Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

ießionc,and CafesofCon f cience Chap. 4 z, nerate pan, and make it live in miferable bondage. Hence Cyril faith, Si car- nem nutrtatts, (5 ipfamfrequenti molitie, ac imp delidamns fluxes foveatis, in- folefcet neceffarroadverfiu fpirunm, C'T fartior rllo ofcitur.It fareswith the flefh, and Spirit, as with two mortal! enemies in the field : For he that by any means aids, and ltrengthens theone , dth thereby make way for the vanquifhing of the other. There are ( faith one) two committed by God to thy cüflody, a Nobleman and a Slave, on this condition, that thoufhouldefl feed the Slave like a Captive with bread and water , and entertain the Noblemanwith all provi- fion befitting his dignity.. Objeçt. But what play: muff we flop to keepe back, proviliion from the f efh? Anfw. The provifion which weare to with-holdfrom it, are all the meaner whereby it maybe nourifbed, and enabled to refft the Spirit , and feeing the flefh is refidentinall the parts , and powers of our bodies, and foules, we muff therefore ufe our belt endeavour tokeep from our corrupt minds all finfull co- gitations, and from our phanfies all vain imaginations : we muff not entertain ungodly çounfels, pernicious errors, and falfeDoarines, but cut them offwhen they are approaching., and call them out whenthey areentred : And on the con- trary, we muff furnifh our minds in the regenerate part with holy thoughts, and divine meditations, with Religious cóunfds, wholefome inftru&ions, and pure Dodtrine out of GodsWord, Col. 3.3. So mufl we keep our Confciences free from fin, andpurge them daily from dead work,!, that they may ferve the living god, Heb. 9. 54. endeavouring to keepthem pure, peaceable,and tender : we muff keep, or blot out of our memories the remembrance offnful pleafures, unlefs it bete repent of them,ribaldfpeeches , profane jefts, injuries received, with a purpofeofrevenge , with all other leflons of impiety imprinted in them either by Satan , the World, or our own corruptions , and engrave in them all holy leffons which have bees taught us out of the Word. We muff pre- ferve our hearts from all unlawf 1 lufts, wicked defires, unruly paflions , and ungodly affeStions : efpecially from covetoufnefs, ambition, and carnal( plea- futes, and labour to have them fixedon fpirituall and heavenly things, and to have themwholly takenup, and conflanrly pofieffed with fan&ified affe,',tions, andholy defires ; we muff keepout from our appetite intemperance; and all defires ofexcefs, and nourifh in it temperance, fobriety, modefty , and chaftity. We mull keepour tongues from all corrupt communication, r pet. 5. 8, 9. our ears fromungodly difcourfes, oureyes from wantonobjets, and laflly our bo- diesfrom floth,and idlenefs, effeminate delicacy, exceffve Ileep, and all man- ner of finfull pleafures, and on the contrary entertain watchfulnefs,fobriety,&c. and when being two full fed, it begins tobe wanton, we mull keep it under with falling, and painfull labour. Q eft. Whatprincipal[ fine be therewhichmefl flrengthen the,flefh, whichmuff efpecially bewatched again.FF. ? Firit, Ignorance of God andhis will, `whereby the eyes of our un- deritanding being hoodwinckt,or blinded, we may beeafily miffed into all by- paths gf fin. Secondly, Infidelity ,which nourifheth the flefh inall impiety, whilft neither believing Godsprornifes, nor threatnings, weneither care to pleafehim , nor fear tooûend him. Thirdly,. Security. , impenitency, and hardnefs of heart, which mightily confirms the flefh in all wickednefs, becaufe hereby it goes on quietly in fin without all check, or remorfe, and puts the evill day farre out of fight. Fourthly, Efpecially take heed ofchelove of the world, and felting our affe- ¿ions on earthlythings, Jam. 5.5. z Joh. z. zS. For this weakens the Spirit; and