418 Qußion r, and Cafes ofConfcience Chap.,q.z fpeeches , and againft all rhefe oppofe the fhield of Faith for thy fecuritie, t Per. ç. 8, 9. Quertt. WI,at other manes muff we ufe to fecure to againft this Ene- mie ? i. A.fw. Firtt, We mull keep a narrow watch over our felves , and over our enemie, not only to prevent all occafionswhereby it may circumvent us , but alfo we muff rake the, heft opportunities for the killing, and crucifying of all our fiethlie It& : and this is neceffarie, becaufe in this life we cannot get a full concueft over it , but oftenwhen we have gotten the better, put it to flight , wounded and weakened , yet it is !till plotting, and pra&ifangnew treafons : For the atchievingwhereofit hath great advantages,being an enemie inour bofome : and no foonet doout Forraign enemies, the Divel, and the world afíault us , but this lurking Traitor is prefently ready to open thedoors, and let them into our hearts, yea, and to joynwith them to work our overthrow : how carefull there- fore fhould we be to (hake offcarnali fecuritie : In this world there is no place offafery. IL Secondly, We mull keep this watch as at all times, fo in all things : For one pofternunguarded is able to let in an Armie of enemies : Hence, z Tim, 4. S. watch thou in all things : and this watch mull be kept not only in things in their own nature evill. but even in indifferent things, that we abufe not our Chrifli- an libertie to fin : yea, in thofe ae iions which are in their ownnature good, that we may do them in a goodmanner, and for a right end : So Chrifl exhorts in hearing , Luke 8.18. So in prayer we mull watch againft roving thoughts: and in giving alms againft hypocrifie, c M tth. 6.4. Thirdly, Wemull keep this watch over all the partsand faculties of out bo- dies and fouls, efpecially over our fences, which being the gates of our fouls, let in , and keep out both friends and enemies : Thus wee mutt watch overour eyes that they wander not after wanton, and wicked objeéts : as rob 31. s . and becaufe our ownprovidence is not fufficient to fecure us, we muff pray withDavid, Pfal.119.37.Turne away, mine eyes frombeholding vanity. We mutt alfo watch over our ears, and take heedofwhat we hear : and how wehear: for evil! words will corrupt good manners , 1 Cot. a ç. 33. Soover our tongues , our tafle, our appetite, as Solomon advifeth, Prov.z3.1. Put a Içnifeto thy throat, Otherwife we (hall be like a City whofe walls arebroken down,' and therefore be- corns aneafie prey to an enemy, Prov. 2.5 .28. IV. Fourthly, Efpecially we muff keep a aria watchover our tongues which the flefhabut th as a notable infirument of all evils : which as a razor, or !harp fword, woundsnot onlyour neighbours, but our own fouls, and confciences : This David promifeth, Pfal. 39. 1. and this wee mutt doe the ra- ther, r. Becaufe Cod requires it, Pfal. 34.23. Keepe thy tongue from e- vili, &e. z. Becaufeof that power and potency which is in the tongue to draw us to good!, or evil! , life , or death, as. Prov. 18. 21. and 13. 3. and zi. 23. 3. Thenaturali inalicioufnefs in this little member fhould make us watch over it the more heedfully : For Pfal. çz. 4. Itsa Jharp razor, &c. Rom. 3.13. Jam. 3. s, 6, 7, 8. It an unruly evil!, Jam. 3.2. and Chriftian perfect son con- lifts inwell ordering ofthe tongue, jam. I. z6. Now in this our watch we are to keep our tongues from impious words againft the Majefly of God, as blaf- pheming his name, profaninghis Word and Ordinances, fcorninghis works : as alto from difhoneft, and,unjuft fpecches, which tend to the prejudice of our neighbours, Ephef.4 as. Levu. 19. 16. and Saint rames gives a reafon for it, ram. 4.11. filch fpeake evil! of the Law, and judge the Law:viz by doing that which theLaw condemneth. 2. We