Ch 4z. about the confli&,or combate between the flefhsancl Spirit. z. We mull refrain from. idle fpeeches, and confequently from rnuc}i fpeak- ing, wherein there is much vanitie , Prov. Io. 19. Confidering that we mutt be accountableforevery idle word, Math. 1 z.36. Fifthly, But-above all other parts, we mull guard our hearts, as Solomon advi- feth, Trev.4.,23. and that 1. Becaufe of all other parts its moll crafty , and deceirfull , 7er. 17 z. Becaufe it is the Chief Commander in this littleworldof man, ruling all ocherparrs : Its their guid and Captain that direóás all their courfes : Its the Spring and Fountain ofall our thoughts, words, and ael¿ons , Luke 8.45. Mat. 15.1 9.and 19.1S.therefore it much concerns us at all times,in allplaces , and companies,& imploiments,whether about the fervice ofGod,or converting with men,or alone,tokeepour hearts pure,holy,fober, and righteous, leatt they be- ing corrupted, millead all our other powers , and parts; and feemg we cannot do this of our felves, weare continually to pray to the Lord who bath ourhearts in his hands, that hewill rule and guide them, that fo with themfelves , all our other faculties may be brought intofubjeetion to him : that he will caufe them CO love what he loves, and to hate what he hates , as Pfa1. 119. 36. and 141.3. and 51.1o. and 86.1i. , Sixthly, Wemull keep this watch inour fpirituall Armour, efpecially we muff ufe the fhreld of Faith , and the fwérd ofthe Spirit to aflault the flefh , and the lugsthereof, as foonas they approach towards us : Sometimes repelling, and wounding them with the threatningsof theLaw -, and fometimes thrutlingthem through with thefweet promifes of the Gofpel, which encourage us to a godly life, and with the remembranceofGods love in Chriff, and what our dear Sa- viour hathdone, andfuffered to freeus from our fins : Yea, we mull ufe this Sword of the Spirit againtl each particular lull ; As when the flefh would with- drawusfrom the fervice ofGod , and engage,us to the fervice ofSatan, and the world, we mutt refill it with that Te;t,Çxod. ao. 3. wherein we are bound to worfhip, and ferve God, and that we are redeemed for that end, `Dcur. 6. 13: Matth. 4. to.: Luke 1.:74. when it,moves us to neglaftgood works; remember, Ephef, 2. to. thatwe are createdfor this ead, when it perfwades to defer re- pentance,remember, Ecc/ef. I2.I. Ffal.95. 718. when it would provoke us to love of the world, remember, yam. 4. 4. 1 Joh, 2. 15. I Per. ç. s . when it tempts us to pride, remember, Proa.. 2,9. 23. and I S. 12. God rrfrfléth the proud, &e. when it tempts to covetoufnefs, remember, ITim. 6. 6,IO. Heb.r3.5. Quell. what other Rules mat be obferved by thofe that would fubdue the f . Firfl, Wemull refill it in all the occafions that it raked], and means which it ufethto prevail againtlus,and fee that with equal carewe avoid and ihun them: For if weare foweak ofour felves, that weare prone to .fall , when no I outward meansprovoke us thereto, howmuch more Ihall we be foiled when as their.obje&s prefentsthemfelves, and both time, place , and company invite us to imbrace them : efpecially conlidering that by expoing our felves to the fe neediefs dangers, we tempt God to leaveus toour own weaknefs, and, to the malice ofour fpirituall Enemies,that fo by ourfalls, wemay learn to-he more wary for the time twcome. , Hence Paul, Ephef; ç. 4. having forbidden For- nication,&e. forbids the naming of them,together with filthy, and foolifh talk- ing, and fcurrilous jelling, which are means to provoke to thofe fins, as we fee in David; Achan, Ahab &c. Hence, Prov. 13.20. A companion of fools [hall 4e de royedy and Plat. zi9.- ate. Away. fromme (faith David ) ye wicked,. ;Emile keepe the. Commandements of my God : Hence alto, Ephef. ç.. hI. H h h a a. We 411 VI, Tà