Ch 4zt, adopt the co Aar combate between thef{èf{i,andSpirit 42 i a Confider that theetetnall,Sonof God fuffered the bitter death on the Crofs, as weldor the leulli,asfor the greaten fins ,, and is any fin fmall which couldnot be purged:153c a Lefs price ? 3. Confider whatgreat eats, come ofthe leaf} fins : For firft our fmalle(l fins defile our perfons ,. and makes us; abominable in Gods fight , efpecially whenwe willinglyentertain, or live in them. Ir ill becomes the Temples of the Holy Ghoft to, have fuçh flurtilh corners : Ic ill befeems us who are efpouftdzo Chtin,to come inro hispractice with Inch blcmiihes, and loath- fome defilements. z: The lean finsdowourid ;. and. being often.committeddo fear theConfci- ennce : asnuchufe makes the hand brawny, andlittle drops, do holio,v the hard- en (tones : and fmall blows cut down the ftrongeft Oakes: they alto harden the forehead, andMake the face impudent. Ifw woufdknow howmuch even thofe fns which the wou l counts Nall, doeprovoke the Locdswnath,we may fee it by thofe fevere judgments which he hath executed onOffenders in this kind , as on Nad eb,and Abihu,,z. on Vzzah,z. Sam.6.6. on "'char!, oih. 7. on the man that gathered flicks on the Sabbath, Nsamb. Is.3 z. on Anazi,u , and Saphira, As 5. But ab.we all, mon dreadfndll was Gods judgment onour funParents for eatingof the forbid- den fruits whence Sr.4rafiin faith, Hicpecca,ta etfi p rrvaf:nt per mifericordiam, írunt magnap,sccataribsrsmgBsgentia.:Althoughour fins,when they are repentedof, bzcomefeat, yet they, are made great unto finners through their negligence, and impenitency. So cMarrh.5. 22. and r2.36. 4. That we may not give way to;the leaf}fins., let us confiier, that if we wit- linelyentertain them, they will prove no lets dangerous then the greaten, be- caufe theyare thecontinuall Errors ofour lives, which are more frequently com- mitted then hainoiisoffences, and therefore what they want in weight, they have innumber : the tadle(t Shipmay be funk by the fmalleft lands : hence St. Aufiinfaih, Necontemnepeccataparyp ; eta parvij"áciardum eaponderae,time fä1rem quandoanmemerau. Defpife not Small fins,for though thou doeftbut light- lye(leern then)whi1R-thou daft weigh them, yet at leaf} fear when thou begin- nell ro number their. 'Great Rivers are filled with fmall drops: Gather the leaf} thinsto,ether,and they will make a great heap, &c. Great fins indeed more waft she'Confcience,arw are like to favage beafts;that devours us at One I?it, or tartars Whale that fwallowed him upat once : But fmall fins alto are like there little vermin, thanwith their multitude plagued Pharaoh and his people. But what need I fpeak of multitudes of fins, when the lea(} unrepented of is fuf- ficient todamn us. 5. Ifwe be careful( to file from the leaf} fins,it will be a notable means to pre ferve us from falling into, greater:he thatgives no place to the firft motions ofco- vetoufnefs,is fafe fromufury:,brihery,extortion,theft, &c.He that keeps his tongue from fpea!dn irreverently of God, is Cafe from turfing, and blafphemy : He that makes Cenfcience of vainfwearing, is fife from perjury, &c. thereforeSt. Hi- èrrem faith, Setù prodeffead taut ionem dieimus etram minimapro maxim's cavere. its a goodeautioii in avoiding fin, to take heed ofthe leak, as though they were the greateft, whereas ifwe ordinarily fvyallow finaller fins, it widens our throats ro let downgreater. -6. Confider that fin is that deadly poifon which Satan the red Dragon calls out of his mouth, and who , would drink that which he. iiath dif orged ? who would be allured"tofwalloir,thele poifons which are fo mortal( to the foul , be- caufe they delight our carnali appetite? Sin is Satans livery; which who fo wil- lingly Wears, acknowledges the Divels foveraignty, gad iris own.fervitude, t yoh. 7, Confider that thofe enemies are molt dangerous, which are molt defpifed : For