Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

f 0 0106 V& = 0144 Books .formerly publifhedby this Author. THe Saints Nofegay : or a Pofie ofSpirituall Flowers. The Marrow ofEcceffaftical Hiftoryin two parts. The firft part contains the lives of 48. Fathers, Schoolmen, firft Refor- mers, and modern Divines , with the Effigies of many of them in Copper. The fecond contains the lives oftwenty two Chriftian Emperors, Kings, Princes, andother choiceChrifiians, from the Primitive times to our prefent age, withall theirEffigies cut in Copper. A Generali Martyrologie, or Colleétion of all thegreaten perfecutions which the Churchof Chrift in other Countriesbath fuffered from the Creation to our prefent times, with fundry cuts inCopper. Where- unto are annexed the lives ofMr. Tho. Cartwright, Mr. Arthur Hilder- fam, Mr. Hugh Clarke (the AuthorsFather) Dr. Potter, B.B. of Carlile, Mr. :kid?. Sedgwick, Mr. 22b. Balfom, Mr. john Pod, Mr. Herbert Pal- mer, Mr. f o. Ball, Mr. Rich. Tothwell, Mr. julines Herring, and Dr. Pre[lon. An Englifh Martyrologie ofall thePerfecutions which have befallen our Church from the firft plantation ofthe Gofpel to our Modern times, whereuntoare annexed the lives ofGafßer Coligni, AdmiralofPrance, woane, t7ueen of Navar, Dr. Collet Dean of Pauls, Mr. Coverdall, Dr. Sands Arch BithopofTork: Mr. RJchardGreenham, Mr. PaulBains, Mr. will. Bradfhaw, Mr. Richard Stock, Dr.Sibs, Dr. Tho. Tailor, Dr. Chaderton. AMirror, orLooking- glaffe both for Saints, and linnets, held forth in fume thoufandsof examples,asofGods wonderfull merciesto the one: fo his leyere judgments againft theother, whereunto isannexed, A GeograpicallDefcriptiun ofall the Countries in the known world , with themoil famous Cities,Temples, StruEtures,Statues, Cabinets of Rarities, &c. which have been, and now are in theworld. Asalto, TheWonders ofGod in nature : thegreateft Rivers, firangeft Fountains, Various Minerals, Stones, Trees,Herbs, PIants,Gumms, &c. which are tobe found in every Countrey. As alfo, Of the rareft Beafts, Fowls, Birds,Fifhes, and Serpents which are lean known amongft us. The life ofTamerlane the Great. ( Eneands Remembrancer, Containing anHiftoricáll colledianof the4.14 Ìnvafion inEightie Eight. The Gunpowder Plot. The fall of the houle upon the Papifis inBlack-Friers. Chriftian Good fellowthip : ASermon preachedat tc'arwickfbineFeaft. An Antidote againl immoderate mourning for the dead. A Funerali Sermon.