Ch.4z. abosst the confli5i,or combate between thefleJh,andSpirit flrengthening of the other. Quantum carni detrahes, tantum facies animism fpirituals bona habitudine relucere, faith Bafrl. Look how much thou detraótefl from the flefh, fo much thou makeli thy fpirituall part to profper and 9ourith in goodhealth, and liking. Now the chief means whereby the Spirit is weak- ned, are our fins, whereby wegrieve thegood Spirit ofCod, andmake himwea- ry of lodging in our hearts:but above others,fuch fins weakens the Spirit asare committed againtt knowledge, and confcience, wilfully, and prefumptuoufly: with which kindof obliinate rebellion the fpirit is tired, that he will no.longet contendwith us, but leave us to our lulls, and a reprobate mind to go on to our perdition, gen. 6. 3. So it was with the old world. Of this God complains, Amos 2.13. that he was preffed under theirfins us a cart under the (heaves: For this God gave the Gentiles up to vile afellions, &e. Rom, I.26. we mull not therefore queneb the Spirit, 1 Thef. ;. 19. nor grieve him, Ephef. 30. 4 Quell. lut what are thofe [vial! fins which moft woundandwaken the Sp rit ? e,Rnfw. Firft, Ignorance, and blindnefs of mind, which pullsout ofthe hand ofthe Spirithis chiefell weapon, the Sword ofGods Word whereby it defends it felt, and offends its Enemies : It allo dazels the underlianding that it cannot difcern the flights , and fubtiiries of our Spiritual( Enemies, nor on which fide they ¡hike us , nor how to wird off their blows. Secondly, Infidelity, which the Spirit whiff} it deprives it of the chief comforts,and encouragements ,vhereby its llrengthened againfi the affaults of the flefh, viz. Codsfweet pro,nifes of grace in this life, andof glory in the next, toall thole who walk in the Sp,rir, and mortifie the fieth. Yea it weakens the fpirituallbond of our 'union with Chritt, which is our Faith, by which alone he is applyed , and fo hinders the influences of his graces, bywhich we are firefig- thened againfi the fiefh, and enabled to withfland the affaults of all our fpiritual enemies. Thirdly, Impenitency, which is moli pernicious to the health, and vigour of theSpirit :. for befides, that it hinders all the operations of Faith, the application ofChrifl, and all the promifes made in him , our communion with God, hid- ing his loving countenance from us, in the appehenfions whereof confifis the life ofour lives , it alfo depriveth us ofpeaceof confcience, and joy in the holy Ghofl,by which our fpiritual man is flrengthened,&afterwe have received wounds by the flefhin the fpirituall fiight,it hinderstheir cure,and caufeth them to rankle, and daily togrowmore incurable. Fourthly, Carnal fecurity, and hardnefs of heart greatly weakens the fpirit, whereby we biefs our felvcs whenour flare is dangerous, andhave no fence, and feeling, either of Gods mercy, and love, or of his difpleafure , by the one where- of the Spirit is tlrengthened inGods fervice, and by the other we are preferved from finning againll him. Carnaltfecurity weakens the Spitit , as it makes us put theevil) day far from us, and utterly to negle t our fpiritual enemies,, as though there wereno danger ; It makes us lay afide our watch , and fo to lie open to the affaults of our adverfaries , and to negle& the means of our fafery. Fifthly, The love ofthe world, which like birdlime, fo befmears the wings of ofour foul> that thereby it is faflened to the earth, and worldly vanities more e- fpecially thelove of honours, and the glory of the world makes the fpirituall man fluggifh in the purfuit ofeternall glory. The love of riches hinders him from reeking after thofe incomparable treafures which are referved for us inHea- ven ; Itchocks the feedof theword that it cannot take root, and bear fruit : It frntirates all the good motions of theSpirit, that they cannot take efleR : lc ez- pofes us tomany tentations, and foares whichdrown men in deflru&ion,z Tins 6. 9 13 I, II. IV,