Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Qrtefï7otu,anciC,o-fe.r ofConfeiamx Chap, 42. 6.9,1o. and fo the loveofearthly pleafureshinder thepurfute of tholeeternal pleafures, and fulnefsof joywhich a as <lods right hand fer ever more. For when the flefh is pamperd with thefe carnalldelights, the fpirttis pined:whenits madefat with gluttony, the fpirit grows lean, fulnefs of wine, andthe Spirit will not flandto;ether, as we fee, Ephef. 5.18. Secondly, We muft not provide for the Spirit poifon inflead of wholefome food, nor carnali weapons inftead of fpirituall : As, inflead of the pure Word of Cod, and heavenly Manna, thefincer-emilkof the Gofpel, and Sacraments,we muff not feed our fouls with humane inventions, and traditions , will-worfhip, and fuperflitious devotions, notwarranted byScripture ; ofwhich, the more li- berally that we feed, the more lean we wax in our fpiritual ftrength, and flature,.yea, the more feeble wegrow inall fpirituall graces. 2. We mutt not provide for this fpirituall warfare, carnali weapons. Fox z Cor.1o. 4. the weapons of ourwarfare are not carnal, Úc. As for example, we muff not fight againft the flefhwith flefhly anger, andcarnal revenge. For jam. I. 20. the wrath of man works notthe ria hteoufnefs of God : we mutt not feek to fubdue the flefh with popifh failing, called the Dotirtne ofDivels,i Tim.4..1, 3. But with our failingwhen we have luft occafion, we muft joyn Prayer , the one being the end, the other themeans enablingus thereunto. Thirdly, Wemuff not remit any thingof our zeal in holy duties, and give way to coldnefs, and formality therein. For we may the more eafily preferve the firengthof the Spirit, whilft its in thebell plight, then recover it when its dimi- nifhed again,the more refolurelywe Eland in the ftren_th of grace received,the more willing the Lord is to affitt us in fighting hisbattels : the more careful! we are to encreafe his fpirituall Talents , the more willing he is to redouble them, 4. Laftly, we mutt avoid flefhly (loth, and negligence : and mua ufe Gods gifts, andgiacts in theexercife of Chrifiian duties CO the glory ofhim that gave them. Our knowledge muff be exercifed in the praéticeofwhat we know : Our Faith in good works: our love toGod, and our neighbours in performing all holy duties we owe them. For if we could abound in all graces , yet if we did not ufe them for our own defence, and the difcomfortrng our enemies, we fhould be never thenetter in obtainingthe vieiory. Queft. How may wee cheare rep , and comfort the Spirit to this Con- f1:11? Anfro. Fitft, WeMuff earneflly delireto have the Spirit more firengthened , and thegifts, and graces of it more enlarged, and multiplied in us. God hath promifed that ifwe want the Spirit, andask it ofhim, hewill give it us, Luke ix. 13. So ifwe have it, and delire, andbeg an increafe of thegifts of it , he will fa- tisfie out delires, and carry it on toperfeelion , Pfa1. 145.19. Phil. 1.6. For thereforedoth the Lord give us thefe longings that we may fatisfte them, we mutt not therefore ref# content withanymeafure of grace received , but go on from grace tograce, till we come to perfcétion : and this is an infallible fign ofthe regenerate , who are therefore Laid to be trees of righteoufnefs orGods ownplanting, Pfal.g .14. Which aremots. fruitfull in their old age : they are like the morning light, which (hines more, andmore to the perfeïf day, Prov. 4. 18. they are Çods f'ildings, which is hill Letting up till it be fully finifhed , Ephef. z. zo. they are Cods Children who grow from firengrh to ftrength, till they come toa perfe& fiature : therefore we mull delire togrow ingrace , Pphef.4. 12,13. Yoh.' 5.2. z Pet. 3. t8 Secondly, We muff ufe all goodmeans for the firengtheningof the fpirit ; for which end, t. Wemuff be di igent in hearing, reading, and meditating on the word of God, which is theminiftry ofgrace, and faivation ; ii ttostly the feed whetef we