Ch.4z. about the confli5t,ór combate between thefleJb%aiidSpirit; we are begotten again, but the foodoffo whereby weare nourifhed till we come to a full age inChriff, t Petz.2. and becaufe a time of fcarciry may come , we muff( with fofeph ) lay up aforehand that we may have provifion in such tines, as thofe. For iffood be withdrawn from the fpirit, it will languish , and not be able to (land againfl the affaults of the flefh in the day of bat- ten. i z: To the Minitiery. of the Word , we mull joyn the frequent ufe of the LordsSupper, which is a fpirituall feat(, purpofely ordained 'by our Saviour Chritf, for thefireigthening our communion withhimby the Spirit , and for the replenifhing ofus withallthofe fan&ifying graces, whereby we may be en- abled to refiff the fle(h. 3. We mull de the helpof holy cöriference, infiru. ing, exhorting , admo- nifhing, counfelling, and comforting oneanother, that wemay befurther edifi- 1 ed inour holy Faith, Jude zò. Thirdly, Ifwe will firengrhen the Spirit, we muff nourifh the good motions III. thereof, neither utterly quenching them, nor delaying to put them in practice , but prefently obeying them,taking the first,and heft opportunity of performing thofe duties which it requires : as when a fit oppOrtunitie being offered, is movesus to prayer, either tobeg the graces whichwe want , or togive" thanks for benefits received , we are not to neglea this motion utterly, nor ro cool it by delayes, but prefently toput it in. execution: So in other duties either of piety to God, or of mercy, and charity to men,we mull not put them off to ano- ther time, but prefently let upon them, making hay while the Sun chines, g&c. which will much chear, and comfort the Spirit, being. thus readily obey- ed. , Fourthly, Wemuff be careful ofmaintaining our peace with God, and our IV: affurance óf his love, and favour which is bell done by preferving peace in our own Confciences, kee; sog themclear from known, and voluntary fins,whereby our Father maybeangered, and we expofed to his dud;menu. For if God be offended , his Spirit cannot bewell pleated with us, neither will he renew our ftren,th,, nor fendus fre(h fupplies ofg-ace, to firengthen us a,ainti our fpiritu- all Enemies: nether can our regeneratefpirit with courage fight againli the Di- veli, the World, and the Fe(h , when it wants the light of Gods countenance, and itspeace is interrupted withhim. Yea, we mull endeavour to have not only Gods graces habitually, but to feel their feverall a6lions, and operations work- ing-our hearts to all good duties. And there feelings of faith, and comforts of the Spirit are beft obtained, andkept,whenas we preferve our communion , and }familiar acquaintance with God in the conffant and confcionable Life' of his holy Ordinances, of Hearing, Prayer, receiving the Sacraments, and fre- quentin; thepublick Affemblies, where God is prefent by his fpìrit, as Pf.+l. 42. I, a. and84. a. &c. whenwe labour daily in the mortification of our fins, which feparatebetween God andus, and exercife our (elves in all holy duties of his fer- vice, thereby glorifyinghis Name,and edifying our neighbours by our good ex- ample. Fifthly, We mull carefully preferve our bodies, and fouls, which are his . Temple, in purityfrom. all pollutionoffin : For as a good aire, and fweet ha- bitation Both much refrefh, and trengthen our natural, and vital]. fpirits, and preferves our-bodies in health : So no lefs doth it chcarup theSpirit of God with- in us, if we provide him a cleanly lodging, free from finfull impurity, fweetned 1 with the incenfe of our prayers, and adornedwith the dowers, and fruits of our good works, and holy obedience. Sixthly, If wewould llren,then the Spirit, and increafe in us the gifts and graces thereof, we muff keep them in continual exercife, and caufe thefé habits to thew themfelves intheir funvtions, and operations : Foras breathing and mo- I i i yang 425