Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Qaefiionr,andCafes ofConfcience Chap.q. z: vinoare neceffary for preferving the life of our bodies : So fruitful! working ,' and holywalking in all Chriftian duties is for preferving, and cherifhing the life of the Spirit, gal. 5.25. If we live in the Spirit, let us walk, in the Spirit, Let the fire of the Spirit have fit vent to fènd out its flames in holy, and righteous anions, itwill live andblaze, but if weflop its vent, it will prefentlydie. Lec Faith exercife it Pelf in apprehending the promifes, in waiting for performances, fightingagainfi doubting, and in bearing the fruits of good works , it will from a grain ofmuflard-feed,grow to be a great tree , from fmoaking flax, to a burning flame, and from a feeble affent to a full perfwafion. Let love be exercifed in do- ing, and fufferingfor Gods fake, in performing all holy fervices , and Chriflian duties to God andour neighbours, it will grow from a fpark to a great fire. Let the flioulders of patience be inuredtobear theCrofs of Chrifl, and fuffer afflini- ons : to put up wrongs, and overcome evill with good , though they be weak at firfl, they will become hardy, and prong. Exercife encreafeth graces, but cafe and floth weakens them , we fhould therefore refolvewith David, Pfal. t 19.32, 33,34 Seventhly, The Tall and princpall means to cherifh the Spirit , is earnefl and effettuall prayer to God that hewill flrengthen our weaknefs , and quicken our dulnefs, and fupport our faintnefs, by a confiant renewingof his fpirit in us, and fending a continuall fupply ofhis faving graces, to reenforce, and refrefhour de- cayed bands, thatby thefe Auxiliarie, they may be enabled to hand in the day of battell, and to get the vi&ory over all our fpirituall Enemies. ItsGod that teaches our hands to war, and our fingers to fight, Pfal. 14}..1, and that gives us at the lafl a full,and final vinory,andthen adds the Crown ofvi&ory, even everlafling glo- ry. Mr. Downkams Chriflianwarfare. uefi. But the fiefh and Spirit being but qualities, how can they be Paid tofight tbeether ? eAnfw. Becaufe the flefh andSpirit are mixed together in the whole regene- rate man, and in all thepowers ofhis foul : as light and darknefs are mixed in the air in the dawningof the day : and as heat and cold are mixed together in lukewarm water : wecannot faythat one part ofthewater is hot , and another cold, but heat and cold are;mixed in every part : fothe man regenerate, is not in one part flefh,and another fpirit , but the whole mind is partly flefh, and partly fpitir, andfo are thewill and affedtions, &c. Now upon this mixture it is that the powers of the foul are carried, and difpofeddivers ways, and hereupon follows thecombat; Quefl. How doth the lull of the flefh !how it felt? Anfw. Firfl, it defiles, and fuppreffes the good motions ofthe Spirits : Hence Paul faith, Rom. 7.2 1,23. whenI woulddoegood, evill is prefent : and the Law of the flefhrebels againfl theLaw ofthe mind, Hereupon the flefh is fitly com- pared to thedifeafe called Ephialtes, or themare, in whichmen in theirflumber, think they feel a thing asheavy as leadto lie upon their breafts,which they canno way remove. Secondly, It brings forth, and fills the mindwithwicked cogitations ; and re- bellious inclinations: Hence concupifcence is faid to tempt, to entice, and to draw awaythemind ofman, yam. Jag.. Quefl. What are the contary anions of thefpirit ? Anfw. Firfl, To curb, and reftrainthe fle : HenceSt. Sohn faith, the rege- nerate man cannotfin, a Joh.3.9, Secondly, Tobeget goodmotions, inclinations,and thoughts agreeable to the willof God, as in David, Pfal.x6.7..My reins inftrulJme in the nightfeafon: and Ifá. 30.21. thine ears fhall hear avoice behind thee, (6' c. and thus by the concur- rence ofthefe contraryanions in the fänte man is thecombatemade: Quefl. Why is there [itch a contrarietybetween the fiefhand fpirit !info.