Ch 42, abotít the cot:fig combatebetween theflefh,attd Spirit. I 421 Anfw . Becaufe the Spirit is the giftof righrcoufnefs,and the fefh ftands in a double oppofidon toir. 1. In the want of righteoufnefs. 2. In a pronefs to all unriglateoufnefs. Object, But naturall men alfohavea combat in them.For they can ¡ay,videome- liars, probogue, deteriorafequor. I fee andapprove of What tsgood, but doe that which isnaueht ? Anfw. This combat isbetween the natural! confcience, and rebellious affe- dtions, and its incident to all men that have in them any confcience, or lighr of reafon. Queft. Have all believers this combat in them? - Anfw. No : For r. Only fuch as be ofyears have it i for Infants, thoùgh they have the feedof grace in them, yet do they want the a61, or exercife of it, and therefore they -feel not this combat, becaufe it (lands in aetion. Secondly, This combate is in the godly in the time cfthis life only. For in death theflesh is abolifhed, and confequently this combate ceafeth. II. Qu eft. What are the Teas of thiscombate in the godly ? Anfw. It hinders them that they cannot do the things that they would, Gal: s.t7. and that three wayes. a. It makes them that they cannot live in thepra&ice ofany one fin, r joh. 3.9 2. Ifatany time they fall, it ftaies and keeps them that they fin not with full confent of will, but they can fay, theevil which I. hate, that doe 1, Rom.7.19. 3.- Though in the ordinarycourfe oftheir lives they do that which isgood, yet by reafon ofthis conßist they fail in the doing ofit, Rom. 7. i 8. Hence it fol- lows thatall the works of regenerate men are mixed with fin, and in the rigor of juftice deferve damnation. Object. Sin is the trapf refon ofthe Law: but good work( are no tranfgref- on ofthe Law, and therefore they areno fins ? Anfw. I anfwerto the Minor: The rranfgreflion of the Law is-2vo-fold. Onewhich is directly againft the Law, both for matter and manner : z. When that is donewhich the Law requires, but not in that manner it fhould be done : and thus good worksbecome finfull. Object. Goodworks arefrom theSpirit of ggod : but nothing proceeding from theSpirit ofGod isfin ? Anfw. Things proceeding from the Spirit ofGod alone , or from the Spirit immediately, are no-fins : but good worksproceednot only from the Spirit, but alfo from the mind, and will of man, as inftruments of the Spirit : and when an effeEt proceedsfrom fundry caufes that are fubordinate, it takes unto it the na- tureofthe fecondcaufe : hereupon our works are partly fpiritpall, and partly carnal!, as the mind and will ofthe doer is. Object. 8utgoodworks pleafe God, and whatpleafes God is nofin? Anfw. They pleafe God, becaufe the doer of them is inChrift. Again , they pleafenot Godbefore, or without. pardon. For they are accepted, becaufe God approves his own work in us, and pardons thedefect thereof. Objet. Nofins are tobedone, therefore ifgood worksbefin, they are not to be done ? Anfw. They arenot limply fins but onlyby accident. Foras God commands them, theyare good, and as odly men doe them they are good in part. Now the reafon holds only thus, thatwhich is fin, fo far forth as it is a fin, or if it be limplya fin, is not tobe done. Mr. Perkins, Vol.2.p.326, iii 2 CHAP.