Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.43. 4z9 CHAP. XLIII. Qeftionc, and Cafes about Confcience Good and Bad. Quell: Hat is Confcience ? Acfw. 'It is afaculty of the foule , taking know- ledge , and bearing witnefs of a mans thoughts , words , and works, excufing them when they be good cand accufing them when they be evill, `Rom.z.15. If the`Confciencebe not deceived,but beats a true witnefs,:then its no erroneous Confci- ence ; Yet it may be an evil( Confcience if it be not. fanified aswell as inlightned. O , Confcience is a particular knnowledgewhich we have within us of our own deeds, good, or evill, arifïng out of the general) kno,vledge ofthe mind, which thews what is good, or evil!, and Confcience tells us when we have done theone or the other. Confcience is aword of great latitude, and infinite difpute. Its taken fome- times properly, fometimes generally. Its both a faculty, and a dillinò2 faculty of the foul : the Schools rele6 that; others this : but betides reafon, the word bends moll that way, a Tan,. r .19. itsdiflin uifhed from theevill , Tit: r. r 5. from the rr incl. And ifwe mark it, Confcience is fo far from being one of both, or bgtb, as that there is between them : a. A jealoufie, then an open fa- ¿lion : the other rowers,óf the foul raking Confcienceto bebut a fpie, do what they can, firfl to hi( e themfelvés from it, next to deceive it ,. afterwards to op- pofe Confcience on the other fide, labours to hold its own,aasci&tIllrkW04dO bribed)proceeds in its office in fpight ofall oppofi- tion : It cites all the powers of nature, fits upon them, examineth, witnefieth, judges,,, esl se,nce come. thoj4 royr0-Not felf-conferences, or reafonings fpòten of, IZom a. 15. Thence thofe Apologies , and exceptions among( themfelves when Confcience fits. z 4 if(7Ghaa!:FV the:f4 .2,n foibjel} ofcónfciencé? Aanfw.r,TheJeaffn foul: Indeed there is fame fhadow of it in a bea(l, as those 1al of reafo y but it is but a fbadow , the proper feat of it, is the highefl part of the foul : itsufually referredto the` praticall underflanding, btee