430 Queffrons,andCafes ofConfcience Chap. caufeits bulled about anions, and drives all its works to ifiue by difcourfe : but as that ground is too weak ( for neither is every difcourfe Confcience, nor every 1 ate of confcience a difcourfe ) fo is that room too ilraight : Confcience is there- fore rather to be placed fomewhat higher, under God, but over all in man , diflint} from other faculties , yer Will fheathed in the bo- dy Quell. what is its end, or office ? it,rIci /5:114 ,A2nfw. It is jet ¡Doman to make known to man, in what terms he Elands with II ¡ Ged, thence its name, and therefore is fitly tearmed,the joslsglajr, and the un- d.rflandinos light. Confcience therefore is a prime faculty of the reafonable foul, there fet to Live notice of its fpirituall eftate in what terms it flands with God. The foul is ranked into three parts , and thofe into as many Courts , and Offices. The fcnfitive part bath its Court of Common:Plcau : the intelledlual, of the Icings Bench : the frirituall, a Chancery : in this Court all caufes are handled, but fill w ith fpeciall reference to God : Here fits Confcience as Lord Chancellour, the Synterefs as Mafler of the Rolls : To this Court all the powers of man owe, and pay fervice till the Judgebe either willingly feed, or unwillingly refitted. And ' this of Confcience ifritlly taken. z. Its taken fometimes more generally : Sometimes for the whole Court, and proceedingof Confcience, by the Fathers : Sometimes for the whole foule of man , either (looping to Confcience, or refle&ing upon it felt; So the He- brews ever take it : You never find that tearm ( Confctence) with them , but Heart, Spirit. So St. John ( who abounds with Hebrovfms ) If our heart con- demn, or condemn us not, a Job. 3. 19i &c. I Dr. Harris, Sc. Pauls Exercife. Quefl. what is the Scripture wordfor Confcience? f2 °" 1f, ° Anf.ovveihnors,which is a compound word: r. of the verbËtt40,which fignifies to i 1'6° 'f-5'43" 9do% 13 fee, t.íMat. i.2.and to kjoow, Job. 13.18. z. of a Prepofition, ow , which lignifies ,tit_ [SS. with: So as Confcience rmplyeth, knowledge with: vio. with force other ? thing. Confcience then implies a double knowledge : One of the mind, which is a bare underflanding of a thitïg : Another of the heart : So as the heart witnefling a thing together with the mind, is Confcience, i Cor. 2. r I. --fave the Spirit, (i.e. the Confuence ) ofa man which is in him. Or Thedouble knowledgeihat is comprifed under confcience, may beof God, or ?1 a mans felf. Godknoweth all things,even the moll fecret thoughts, Pfal. 1 ;9. z. and every manknoweth the moll fecret things of himfel£, i Cor. 2.12. the teflimony therefore of a mans heart, with his mind, or rather with God, is Con- fcience. Hence its faid to bear re itnefs,Rom.9.t. andPaul rejoyced in die tefli- 220,4-12. ' mony of his Confcience, 2Cor.i.iz. Quell. where is to feat of Confcience; Anf,w. Within a man : For its applyed to the heart, Heb.10.22. yea, its filed the heart, Prov. 1 5.15. i Sám.24.5. and the Spirit, i Cor. 2.11. Quell. Why is it feared in aman ? Anfw. That it may the betterperform the funEion which belongs to it : It beingwithin, may fee all within, andwithout. As a man within a hoofe full df windows, i Kin. 2.44. But Confcience cannot be difcerned byotherswithout , as is implyed, yer.t7. 9. 1 Cor. z. I I. N Quell. What is theOfficeof Confcience ? ,,,,ofsy15' 45, ofat man. To of Confcienceishe fure(t witnefs that can the be. tIttsa faithfull wirneffe that will not lie, Prov. 14. g. A man by his tongue may.