Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

43,2 Qltefiions, and Cafes ofConfèience Chap.43 Anfv. Confcience is the judgment of a man concerning himfelf, and his own wayes , in reference , and fubordination to the judgement of God: Dr. Ames. Or Its the fouls recoilingon its felf, Ward, Dike. Or lis the fouls acting, and refle&ing on it felf, and on all a mans own a- &ions. uell. How manyforts ofgood confciences are them ? Anfw. A good troubled confcience : Bona turbata. Secondly, Ag oodquiet Confcience : Bona pacata. Q:eft. PPhat goodnejfe muff concurre to a right good Confcience? Anfw. Fir1l, agoodnefs of fincerity. Secondly , a E oodnefs of fecurity : It muff be honeffe bona, & pacate bona. Quell. What then is a trulygood Confcience Anfw. AgoodConfcience is that which is rightly purified, and rightly pacified by the word, Blood, andSpirit of Chrift, regularlyperforming all the Offices un- to which it is deli. ned. ueíl. what mull it bepurifiedfrom ? Arjw. Firíl, Ignorance : A Confcience void of knowledge, is void of goodnefs : the blindy Confcience is aIwayes an ill Conference ,. Tit. I. 15. Secondly, From error, the Erroneous Confcience is ever a defperate, and dangerous Confcience. Look what Swine,are toáGarden : a wilde Boare to a Vine-yard : young Foxes to grapes, &c. Such is an erroneous Confcience to Churches, Do6trines,Truths, Graces, andduties: It overturns all : It engaged Herod under an Opinionof piety,to defiéoy fvhn to fave his wicked Oath,Mat. 14. 9. Others make void Gods commands to make good their own vows, Yer. 44. 16. It made Paul toperfecute the Church, Al?. 26. 9. others to com- pafs Sea, and Land tomake Proflites, Matth.z 3.15. Thirdly, From naturall deadnefs, or hardnefs,Heb. 9.14. A dead Confcience is not for a living God. %eft. Howmuß confcience bepurified ? Anfw. Firfl, The word ofChrifl is the great heart-fearcher, and Confcience- purifier, Heb.4.12. foh,i5.3. &-17.17. This removes ignorance, ?fat. 119. 1 o5i130. Itreelifies Error,being a voice behind ue,Ifa.30.2 t. ends all controver- fies, /fa, }S, z6. Refolves all doubts, Luke Io. 26. Removes deadnefs and hard- nefs, fer.z3.29. Its an Hammer to foften : Its immortall feed, &c.1 ` Hence Pfal. 119.25, 50, 93. Secondly, The bloud of Chrifl furthers purifies it, Bab. 9.14. and 10.22. I Joh.1.7. Thirdly, The Spirit of Chrifl, togetherwith the Word, and blood of Chrift purifies it, 7.0h. 6.63. Heb. 9.14. the Spirit heals chofe difeafes beforemention- ed. 1. Ignorance, being theSpirit of illumination, Ephef. I. 17. 2. Erronr, being the Spirit of truth, foh.14.17. 3. Deadnefs, being the Spirit of life,Rom. S. z. Its Refiners fire, &c. Mal. ;. 2. Hence, ¡fa. 4.4. Quell. what mull Confcience be pacifiedfrom ? Anfw. Firf_k; .It muff bs atpeace from the dominion of fin , there is apeace when fin, and Satan are.ftrongly armed,and keep the houle, Luke 11.21. But there is the peace ofa fleepy, not of an awakened Confcience : woe to them , Luke6.25. Amos. 6. 1,3: Confcientia pacate optima, may be, vitiofe puma. In tali pace anaritudomeaamariffima: Ber. there is nopeace. to the wicked, Ira. 57. alt. z Pet.2.3. II Secondly, From the rage of Satan, thi_js;,tl)¡ happty peace promifed to Believers , Marrh.' a6. 2S. the fumme of that prbmife, Rom. z6.', 20. the