Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

,». Chap. 43. about Confciencegoodandbad. j 4 3 3 the God of `Peace Jhall bruit Satan under your feet ¡hardy. Thirdly, From the difpleafure of God, when wecan fay , Rom. ing jufhfied by Faith, wehave peace with God : This is the beltparc ofour peace : fuch as the world cannot give, f ohn 14.27. So,Phil.4.7. This guards the foule from all fears, and aflaults of the Law, Sin, Guilt , Death , Hell , and Sa- tan. Quell. whatmuff Confcience be pacified by? Anfw. Phil, By the Word ofChrill itspacified, and reflored to peace : hence the Gofpel is called,theYYordofPeace &c.Atts so. z Cor.5.1 S. Ifa. 57. 19. and 52.7. Secondly, By the blood of Chrill. This is the procuring caufe of all our peace, Col.i.zo. Rom. 3.23, &c. This blood gives the foule all boldne fe to enter into the holiell, &c. Heb. Io. 19. and gives us aflùrance before God. Thirdly, By the Spirit ofChrifl, which is the procreating caufe ofpeace in us: Hence as Chria is called an Advocate., i Job. 2. 1. So is the HolyGholl, Th.,4. 16. Only here is the difference : Chril} is our Advocate to God, prevailing with him to grant us peace : the Holy Chofl isGods Advocate to us , to prevaile with us, to entertain peace. He applies the Word, and promifes which l roclaini our peace : He applies the bloodofChrill which procures our peace : He hash the fall hand in confummatingour peace;whence its called, joy inholy Ghof},Rom. 14.17. So Ca1.5.22. Quoit. What are the Offices ofConfcience ? Anfw. Firil, Propheticall, or Minilleriall, i.e. To doe the Office of a Mini- Iler, Watchman, or Seer, to give warning fromGod,fromwhom it bath its corn- million to warn, and inform, dire& , reprove, admonilh, and charge. Its the mouth of the Lord, the Candle oftheLord, Prov.2o.27. Secondly, Regal! , or Magiflraticall. It hath a commanding, and Legifla= tivepower, Korn. 2.14. they were a Law to rhemfelves, therefore what Con- fcience commands, or forbids is more to a godly man , then what Kings com- mand, or forbid. Hence, Dan. 3. i6. But though it bath a Kingly power , yet it bath not an Arbitrary power : It felf is fubje& to God. Thirdly, Tef}imonial, or tobear witnefs, Ro;r.z.14, 15. a Cor. t. 12. This is a teflimonywhich Gods Spirit Bothartel} to, and confenr with, Rom.9 .1. and 8. 16. This is above a thoufand witneffes for, or againfl thee, i feh. 3.Ig, 20,2 /. Confcientia mille tefles. 7terpe quid diaries, to fine tefe time. Fourthly, Juridicall, and Jude-like: It paffeth fenrence on thee, and reads thy doom : Hence we are faid to be convieied ofour own Confciences, oh. 8. 9. Self-condemned, 7it.3.r t. Rom. /4.zz. r 7oh,3.2o,zt.Confciences fentence is the forerunner of the laf} judgement, Yob 31. 35, 36. Ifa. So. S. a Sane. 2.25. Fifthly, Regifleriall : For its the great Regiller ,and Recorder ofthe World. Its to every man his private Notary, keeping Records of all his A&s, and deeds. It hath thepen ofa ready Writer, and taketh from thy mouth all thou fpeakefl : yea from thy heart all thou contrivel+, and though its writing may tor the pre- fent, like the writing with the juice of "a Lemon, be illegible : yet when thou comefl into the fire of dil}refs, it will then appear : or at £arthefl , the fire in the great day ofjudgment will difcover ir. Its the poor mans Hiftoriographer, who bath no Chronicler to rite his ílory, er, 17. I. So that Confcience is thengood when it loth officiate well , and K kk dock I.