Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

434 I. II. Queffions,and,Cafes ofConf 'sience Chap.q.p . doth the part of a Minifter, of a Magifrate , of a Witnefs, and of a Judge. Quest. Howmany forts of good Confciences are there? Anfr. Fitft, The good Confcience of Faith : without which its impoffible topleafe God, 'deb. 14.6. Therefore Sr. Paul joinsFaith, andagoodConfcience together, I Tim.i.5,19. and 3. 9. There is no goodfaith, where there is not a good confcience : nor yeta good confcience where ttue faith is wanting, there- fore look to thyFaith, if thou wouldit find a good Confcience, lieb. io. 22. r Tim.3.9. Secondly, Apure Confcience, the clean, pure, and undefiled Confcience is the inherent, and internall ri6hteoufnefs of the Saints, and the Ornament of a Christian, t Tim.1.5 . and 3. 9. z Tim. 1.3. As faith makes the Confcience good beforeCod, fo purity makes it good before men. Such areblessed, Mat. 5.8. 1 foh.3.3. Great are the comforts, benefits , and priviledges of a puré Confcience, and high are the promifesmade to it, Pfal. 18. z6. and 24.2, 4, 5. Inpure water thy face may be feen, not fo in muddy : So in a pure Confcience Cods face may be feen, and no where elfe in the Earth. Thirdly, A fincere Confcience : Sincerity is the glory ofpurity, and of con- fcience,and of every person, grace, or action : Sincerity isthe foundnefs, health, and right contlitution of Confcience, Hence Noah, and fob are called perfe8l', becaule fincere, CJen. 6.9. job r. I, of this Confcience , Paul fpeaks, z Cor. T. 12. The Greekword for fincerity, ivi prwi. ufed, 1 Cor.S. S. z Cor. s. r 2. fig- riffles fuch thingsas are cryed by the light. Or, as a Chap -man opens his wares to fee ifthere be any deceit in them. welt. But howmay thtsfincerity of Confciencebeknawn? .Anfw. .1 It makes a man abhor all guile, and fraud, and to renounce the hidden things ofdi(honefly: like facob,a plain downright man : or Nathanel, an 1fraelre, in whom was noguile : Such was `Paul, a Cor. 2.17. and4. 2. and t ichaiah, I Kin. 22. 14. and Caleb, Joh.14.7,8. 2. Sincerity bringsall to the light, 6,h.3.2.0. He that doth the truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifefi that, they are wrought to God, and therefore, as of sincerity, and as of god, and as in thefight of God, are put together, z Cor, z. 17. Such an one owns nothing but what will endure the Sun. Hence, 1'fal. 26. z. roh. as. 16 , 17. Job 6. 24. 2 Cor. 4. 2.1 Thef. 3. so. 3. The fincere man is Hill one, and the fame, whether alone, or in company : yea, he is rather better then he (hews: as the Kings daughter, all glorious within, Pfal.45.13. He isjuft, and fairhfull, being a Law to himfelf. 4. The fincere man may have his failings, and is fubjeel to tentations, yet he never allows himfeif in any known evill : therefore he is called perfeR in refpeet of his intention, and aime, 2 3. He refills eve- ry known will and rejedis every knownError : He purifies himfeif as God is pure, 1 Joh . So Rom. 7.16,17. 5. A fincere man holds on his courfe, and he that hath cleanhands (hall be fironger andfironger, Job 17.9. as the veflell of gold wears brighter, and brighter by ufe, therefore fiincerity is the belt feen In times and places when, and where Satan is let loofe , Rev. 2.1 3. where therearefew encouragements to perfift in a godly way : SoNichodemus in flicking to a condemned Christ, Joh.7. 5r. 3ofeph of oArimathea to a cr icified,forfaken, and naked Christ, Joh, 19.38. 6. Univerfality is a certain note offincerity, when we walk in all the com- mandements of God , as Luke s.6. Heb. rá.18. Dan. 6. 22. To be partiall is to corrupt the Law, Mal. 2.9. To make Confcience of one ducy, and not