43 effionr,andCafeiofConfcience Chap.}," l 3. From Gods Children, and their weaknefs, fo far as either to con - demn their perfons , or diflike their profeffion , Marrh. 18. 5. True godlinefs makes a man apt to take all in good parr, I Cor. 13.5. 4. From the evill World, becaufe all men fpeak ¢viii of the wayes of God, and forfake them , we mull not therefore be offended, 1_ Ifa. 8. 12,13 . V. Fifthly, A quick lighted Confcience. Confcience's whole work is circum- fpeelion, and therefore it mull have eyes in every place : It muff have eyes be- fore to view, and overfee aelions to be done : behinde to review , and over- look aftionsalready done : efpecially it mull be full of eyes within, to make a privy fearch in our own hearts : to take account of the inward motions from which actions are undertaken,of the inward intentions, and affeéiions with which they are undertaken,andof the inward aims and true ends for which theyarc un- dertaken. The Plarifees were full of eyes without,andnone within : full ofeyes before . but had none behind : they could cenfure others a&tions, not fee their own : Hence calledfooles, and blind, Mat. z 3.17,19, 24. VI. Sixthly , Awell-fpoken Confcience, which can make the foule a good an- fwer, or upon jufl occafion make fit demands, and puts forth its aries, 1 Pet. 3. 21, I. It makes a good and ready anfwer to God, as Pfalm 27. 8. and 40. 8. 2. It makes a good anfwer, for God,as is commanded, a P r. 3. 15, 16., Its r eady to give an account of its Spiritual) elate when it is requi- red 3. It makes a good anfwer for ones felf, when under the greatea clouds of cenfures, fufpicions, or reproaches, Rom. 9.1. 2 Cor. 6.8,9. 4. Whenany bufinefs of Confcience is under confederation , Confcience puts the beft anfwer into thy mouth, and will readily refolve what is to be done. VII. Seventhly, An honea dealingConfcience : For fo much of honefly before men,fo much ofgood Confcience before God : Of this Pawl glorieth Heb.13.a8. AFt,z3.1. a Pet.3.16. Peter exhorts to it, a goodconverfation without, pro- claimes a good Confcience within, Phil. 4.8. Notes of an honer Con- fcience are, a. He bath engraven on his heart this maxime, I muff bea Law to myfelf: Hence its faid, a rim. 1.9. The Law is not Witten for the righteous : And if 1 others were as honei as he , fewer Laws , and Magiftrates would ferve turne. 2. He makes Chrilts rule his Oracle, Matth. 7.12. what ever you would others fhoulddo to you, &c. which is the Epitome of the Law , and Prophets : thevoice bothof Scripture,and nature. 3. You maybe bold to take his word, and tuft him : He dares not deceive, though he maybe deceived : His word is asgood as his bond : his bond as his oath : andhis oathas his foul. 4. You neednotfear to takehis wares, his weight , or his meafure , all are currant, and warrantable : He is faithfull, and pun:call in his reckonings, dif- burfinents, and receits, as they, z Kin. Iz. t 5. &c. 5. He refpeas not a perfon fo much as the caufe: the caufe of thepoor, fa- therlefs, and widows is móre tohim, then the faceof the rich, or the letter of the mighty: Like Levi ,Deut.33.9. 6. He will fooner fuller any prejudice himfelf, then prejudice his neighbour, Pfal 15.4. He fwearerh to his own hurt, and damage, andchangeth not. VIII: Eighthlyq A tender Confcience : which is the heart of fle!b prom