Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

.438 Queffions, and Cafes ofConfcience Chap. 43 in an awakened confcience which labours to keep the foule guarded, and unmo- Icfled. Taking up yobs refolution , job 27.6. This tendernefhe íhewes it felfe. r,ln refpeél of God:Inevery thing towhich God is intituled , and bath interefl in ; Mofes (lands for an hoof , Exod. ro. 26. Chrifl is tender for the leaft tittle of the Law , Marti. 5. i 8. He is all on a flame with the zeale of Gods houle , and would not endure to have it profaned in the leaf}, Toh.2. 17. Yea, rr. Principally he is tenderof chafe things wherein Gods glory is con- cerned, )oh.17.18. and g.49,ço.This makes a man regardlefs offelf,in refpe& of name, credit, family, eflate,ye a,and of life,Aî the Martyrs : and Nehemiah, ch. 13.15,13,19. 2. He is tenderin refpe& ofGods truth, which mufl bebought, not fold. So was `Paul, Ga1.2.11. So Rev.z.z. He (hews his tendernefs in re- taining,and contending for old truths,and in taking heed how hevents any newdo&rines : So 2 Corr 3.8. and 2.17. 2 Pet.i.16. 3. He is tender ofwhatfoever doth proceedfromGod,as to fubmit to e- very commandofGod , for he trembles at his Word, "'fa. 66. z. So Chrifl, Luk,,.2.49. john 6.39. 14. He yeelds, melts, and breaks under any threat of Gods Word, or fenfe of Gods difpleafure : So Jofiah , 3 King. 22. r9. contrary in Iehoia- kam, Jet. 36.24. 5. He much more yeelds and humbles himfelf under the of li&ing hand of God : He comes forth of the furnace, like gold , all melted, and refined , yob13.10. and 42.6. whereas others walk contrary to God, Lev.26.41. 6. He kindly thaws, and melts under the fenfe of the free favour, and abundant love ofGod, asthe ice before the warme Sun. So, Ezra 9. 14. This was the gracious temper of that poor woman, Luk 7.38. L fo we are required, Hof.3.5. 2. In refpe& of men, this tendernefs mull Phew it felf to all in general, and to each in particular: To the godly, to the wicked; to flrong, to weake. f i. To the godly : and that, f1. Bynotgrieving them, and forbearing to offend them : He is ever tender of the peace, and fludious of the fatisfa&ion of every I honefl man. If his meat, apparel, haire, company, &c. make his brother ro offend, he will ear no fuch meat, wear no fuch apparel, or haire, keep no fuch companywhileff the world (lands, rather then to make his brother offend, a Cor.8.13. z. He is tender of their reputation , not to expofe them, or rather Religion in them, to reproach. So 3ofephwould not bring a re- proach upon Mary, Mat.r.r9. 3. He istender of difagreeing with , or dividing from any that is godly, -upon unneceffary and frivilous grounds. Enters not upon doubtful difputations ; falls not outabout queflions that nourifh , jangling, but deftroy edification : the common finof our times : contrary to the Apofiles precept,Eph.4.1 3,32. 14. He is.cfpecially tender of weak Chriftians, no wayes to dif- courage them, defpife them ; or impofe any burdens, much lefs to lay (fumbling blocks before diem: but to bear their in- , who is tender of all his little ones, firmities, Rom.t 5.I. To condefcend to their terms, Rom. 12. 26. This makes us like Chrift Mat.8.17. Ifa.4o.rr. Mat.1z.18,19. Luke 22.27. 23.0