Gliap.43. aboutConfcience good, andbad. 439 2. To the wicked, who muff fee that we are tender of his good , more then heis ofhis own. So, z Tim.2.26. I Pet.2.I 5, and we are to en- deavour to take away occafion from them that feek is to fpeak re- proachfully ofus, I Tirn.5.14, 3, We mutt be tender of the goodofthofe that are neareff to us : that we, andour houfes may ferve the Lord , Jof. 24. 15. So, fob i. 5. and Paul of the Corinthians, whom he had efpoufed co Chri(f , 2 Cor. L II. 2. and 6.11. 3. In refpe& offeif : and that, a. In refpe6f of fin already committed : for which hisheart finites him, iSam. 24.5. 2 Sam. 24. to. and gives him no ref (Mlle hath made hispeace with God by repentance, and withman by refiitucion, or other fatisfaditon : as, Zachews, Luk.i9.8. 2. In refpea of finnot yet committed : He fears and departs from evil , and íhons all occafions and provocations tending to it. So fofeph , CJ, en. 39. 9. 3. He limns [mall as well as great frnnes : He will not be found , no not in an officious lie : as Gehaza's was , a K ings 5. a 5. Flies Teller oaths , Ecclef. 9. 2. idle words , Matth. 1 a. 36. wanton lookes , vaine thoughts, &c. 4. He flies fecret (inns as wellas open, and is moff known by his clofet, and folitary carriage : He faith with David, Pfahne 44.24. Shall not God fearch this out ? 5. He fhuns as well finful omifïions, as finful commiffions, as knowing that in the dayof judgement thefe will be charged upon him, Mar. 25.42, 0_. millions are fins that bring a curfe, the flothfuf fervant is called anevil fervant,Mat.3 á.26,3o. negativeholmefs will not commend us to God, though it may to man. 6. He flies and avoids the common fins and prevailing errors of the times : So did Nehemiah reform the profanation of the Sabbath, and ufury, Nch. ro.3a. and 13.15. to 23. and 5.9, &c. 7. He flies as well all (mail occafions as aóofions : He keeps:out of the way, and , Pfal.1, I. Eccl. 7. z6. For, Prov. 6. 27, 28, and companyof wickedmen fudas took no hurt amongh the Difciples, but going to the High Netts, he was for ever loft. Peter took nohurt in the garden, but in the High Prieu s Hall was infnared. D,n. :h walking out to fee the daughtersofthe Hivitei, and Sampfon to fee the daughters of the Phil, tines , neither of them re- turned fo well as they went out. Many now adays by leaving Miniffers, Ordinances,Affemblies, &c. have made themfelves a prey to feducers,and have been corrupted : Hence, i ]oh.z.19. 8. He flies not only what is limply evil, but whatfoever hath an appear- anceof evil as he is commanded, I Th.f.5.aa. m. ra. z. Phil,4.8. Eph. 53)4, 11. 9. As he flies whatfoever bathan appearance of evil, fo he dares not always truff whatfoever bath an appearance ofgood. He therefore tries all things, and holds faff onely what is good , r Thef. 5.' 25. knowing whit aril} faith, Lc/kJ6.r5. That which is highly efleemed amongfmen , is a- bomination in the fight of rod. He fufpeéfs that aéfion, perfon, and flareof life ofwhichall menfpeak well: He f}ill knows that Satan deceives more eafi- ly; and deffroyes more dangerouflywhen he affumes the fhapeof an An- gel of light. Hence we are commanded to miffruff many things, z Yhef.2.2. Revel.2.2. Gal.I.6.2 Peter 2. Lc/Matt-h. 24. 24.1 f ohn 4.1. Io.He takes heed even of what heknows tobe lawful : He dares not dot all that he maydo, knowing that he that will doall he may , often doth more then