01'444 404Clt!>f.1i44 04 anc dd. I 44 qWit; n- Tfe£pea of Satah,all whore fpight is at'a Úoód Confcience, and' his jl3i,_gtcis to nakeitbad. íiaêYviesu3 , 0ftiches,norhonour,norlearriingftrbn ! àYt 35i 1d sties, $tc?buÉ'o Iÿá good Confcience he envied nor Pharaoh his Kingdom : nor Achithophel his policy nor tlbfolon his bi aúey:' nor 1-idman his l honour, andOtffices n:it.Í3z kii his weâltÌl;ác.hecould make ufe of all : yea he }ll D{ G {its tielp amei lioigëe tl§efe'thiilas, fo they will quit a good Confci- ëfhte: "81.it ifa roan be pinndere -1ofall his eflate `, and ficormed out of:a11 his outworks ofhis riches,.frienc s, children; power, places: yea, Out of his, nearer comforta otit"ofhfs Faith4f1.4 hope:out ofilrsprayers,.and promifes, ifhe retreat to ááoóáConfcience, and make good this laf} refuge,Saranwill be repelled with ilì'àmé, andlofs. yob wtìerrhé haáfof} ä}9'éife , manfully defending this piece, he recovered all again at tall, and his fait (late was double ro his tirf } ; Job 4. i> 13 'seconthÿ;- tnrefpea of thy.feif, or the work felf, thou (halt finde it a.'hard task : It requiresthe greaten skill, andugnof} diligence , ?tIs 24. 76.. Herein eze t f,imj Pelf de'syi.., &c. i.e I ufe 311 ríiy ski11,diligence, and confianty to- gether; cesx.m.., c.. , Thirdly, In refpeR of others its f}r11 more difficult : many mifcarry in it : wheeis fufficient for this work? i.Y n;r.x Quefl, cal/fay a mans Confcience be quiet,yet not 000d ? - ainfw. Yea, there are feur forrs ÓF: qúlet Cogfciéncës, äjid nevth a.0tie of them good': Firft, An ignorant Confcience : Fotias'ablinde manears mans a..haire, and drinks many a fly : fo thefe knownot that they doe evil!, and therefoPe: arenot difquiered, but commit all uncleannefs with greedinefs, Fphef. rnelechboafls much of his integrity, gen. 264,`5. when it was but -111'44111y, or iínorance, therefore glorynot of fuch a blinde , deafe, and filent ritif nce : the dumb and deale Divell was hardefl> to be call öut1,7Ma0+ 9. 25, 26, 29. Secondly, A Confcience that was never yet well awakened : But fin lies at the door, like a Lion afleep ; This Confctente is either givenovei re fleep a perpetual! fleep, as God threatens, fer. 51. 39t 4o. Or elfe'it. will awake, and cry out like a travellingwoman, it will defiroy, and devour at once, Ira. 42:14. the Confciencesof fofephs brethren were-long afleep, but awaked at lait, and made them tremble : So with'' 'onas, 6. 2.2. Thirdly, A deluded Confcience, by Satan, or his inf}ruments, which dreams of nothing but vifions of peace, Leti,é11.21 ' *hen ",the /lron man armed eepr pofefon, all is at peace, Lam. 2.'1}. Ahab deluded fpeaks of nothing but peace, 1 Kin.Zz.27. So Zach. 1.1 i, many live and dye in this condition: the world faith, they dye like Lambs, Pfal.73: 4. when its father like SoÌémons )xe, ]'rov, 7: z 3r.. So fer. 51.35, 39, But itsbetter to dye the moll dreadfull death Of the righteous, then the moil hopeful!, and peaceful! death of the wicked. Thefedyefo fecurely, notbecaufe the flingOf death is taken out , which were their happinefs, but becaufe the Confcience is taken out, which is their mifery. Fourthly, Ahardened Confcience ; This treafuresup wrath asain/P the day ofwrath, Rom.z.4,5. job 36.13. there is no greater plagueon earth then this, no judgment in Hell beyond it. Quell. Lbwsw manifold is this hardnefs of heart? /jnfw. Its fixfold, as appears by the feverail exprellirons; in Pharaohs hard heartednefs : as 1. A natural! hardneftê,and infenuiblenefs of Confcience, which is part of the fin,:andpunifhment ofOriginall fin, which is alike in all : called the heart offrene,Ezek.36.25. Anattraaed, and acquired hardnefs, through frequent reiterations offin, and I; II. Iv.