Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

446 I. II. QrWeions; andCu fe.c ofConfcience Chap') andtheTecret curfeofGod upon it. -);- Iene, Heb. 3.13. Ephef4.17,1 8, 19. where are eleven fleps by which the poor foule goes tohell : as 1. Vanity of miede, wherein men think there is little hurt, but its the firft flop to Hell. Darknefs of underflanding, which follows the former. . . 3, !Mi. nationfrom the life of (jo4, Alienation a6lively on their part ,they loathingGod, a finfull alienation : and paffively on Gods part, his foúle loathing them, a judicial( alienation. 4. Blindnefs of ignorance , one finne begetting another in infini- tum. 5. This blindneffe leads to further hardneffe , viz, judiciall , becaufe of the hardnefs of their heart. 6. Then they are infenfible, and pall feeling. 7. Then defperate, ó iving themfelves over tojrì, ;s ahab,l Kin. 2r. 25. then they are quite loll. s. Then they arebruirifh, turned into beafls, they give themfelves over to lafcivioufnefr. So, z Pet. 2. 14. fer. 5. 8. Rom. 13. 13. Philip. 3. 19 9. Then they work! uncleanneTe : they draw finne with Cartropes , &c. Ifa. 5. 18. Lo. Thenthey are infatiable ;ginning. So, Rom.t. I 1. Then thedelight in it, committing all uncleannefs withgreedinefs. Thus a man is trasnformed into a beafl at firft, and ïnro a Divell at 1afa. 3. Ajudicial' hardnefs, as Then the Confcience, or heart isfurther hardened by Impoflors , or Se- ducers. So,Exod.7.22. God gives them over tofirong delufions to believe a lye, 2 Thef.2.11. HenceGod is Paid to lay aflumbling blockbefore Apo- fiates, £zek; 3. 20. to et ceive falfe Prophets, Ez.ek 14.9. and to put a ly- ing [pirit into theirmouthes, 1 King. 22. z3. 4. AMiniflerial! hardening. God lets them enjoy the Gofpell, and means of grace,but they having added to natural], voluntary hardnefs of heart, and to contempt of the truth , a love of Error,. God fends leanneffe of foule, under fat- neffeof Orninances : Hence Ifni. 6.9,1o. thenpreaching proves the favour of death , 2 Cor. 2. 16. So Pharaoh grew worfe and worfe under Mofes Mini - fiery. 5. ADivine hardening: a penall hardening by Divine vengeance : called Gods fending all his plagues upon the heart, Exod 9.14. A heart hardened by the curie of God is an Epitome ofall plagues inthe world, yea of all the plagues of Hell. Yet here in God cloth not infundere malitiam, poure in malice , but non infundere mollitiem,not put in foftneffe. Hence, Rom. 1. 2S. 6. A Satanical(hardening : Indeed Satan hath his firft or fecund hand in every finfull aeì, and anhand from the firfthardening to thelaft. Heperfwades, I and prevailes, 1 King. 22.22. Quell. VVhat are the mark! ofan ill troubled Confcience ? e f fw. Firff, Troubles are then evill,when the root whence they fpring is Ievil(. Thus eAha6was troubled till hewas lick, not becaufe his lull of co- veroufnefs was unmortified, but becaufe it was unfatisfied. So was Ammon. So, Prov.4. 16. Some cannot fleep if they have done no mifchief all day. This is indeed the Divells trouble , and Hell is full of fuch troubled fpi tits. Secondly, When if it be at all for fin, it is not fo much for the intrinfecall evil or finfulneffeof it, as for the eventual!, or confequentiail evills that attend fin, and the punifhmcnt thatfollows it. So Ahab , 1 Kin. 2r. 2.7. So