Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

tha.p..43. about Confeieucegoodandbad. 45a claimed, we muff not make confcience the fupreme Law, but the fubordinate. Indeed Confcience is to have a negative voice, fo that nothing is to be done without his aient, andgood liking : but irmutt not Challenge ali arbitrary, and illimited power to aR, or determine any thing without the advice of this great Councel,the Law, and the Prophets. 6. Prayer is a great f. iend to good Confcience thë:good Confcience makes many a goodPrayer : there is the particular demand of a good Confcience, I Pet. 3 2I: which B.zs underftands ofPrayer.. Good Confcience Bath ever one eye uponGod to obferve his ptecepts,and'theother up toGod to beg his direction : ufually fuch as are moil: frequent in prayer have the bell Confciences : eXtis Io. 2. Cornelius. Hypocrites do not fo, Yob 37.Io. and 21.14,55. 7. Beware of committingthe fmalleft,fins, yea of many things which for lawful" : the leatt fpark may confume the greateft houle, she leali leak, the great- eft 4cip. , Call not Faith, and troth final' Oaths, they are more thcnyea, and nay. Refrain idle words , rafh anger, vain mirth, foolifh jefting; &c. The- greateft fpoil made in Confcience, . had at firfi but final' beginnings. Qui otic- fum verbum non reprimir,adnoxia cito tranfst: d vanio fermo eff vans Con- fcicntix index. . . . S. Take heed of adventrmg, though but upononegreater finfull a& : let} it for ever fhut Confcience out of doors : One deliberate aói of fin , threw the Angelsout of Heaven: that one fin deliberately committed by our firli Parents againlian exprefs precept tali them out of Paradrfe. "So in yudac, Ananias, and Saphira, CJ'c. . 9. Takeheed of living under, and contenting thy felf with a cold , 'man-plea `ling Miniftry, which fows pillows under Chine Armholes, crying Péace; peace. The voice of a faithful Preacher is the voice of a Crier,Ifa.4o.3. His found,th'e foundof aTrumpet,Ifa.58.I.His words like (harp nails,&c. Eccl.r 2.r, So; M. 3. 2. Ifa. II.4, io. Take great heed whom thou choofett for thy bofome friend : Ill acquaintance bath undon many. One firmer defiroyes much, good : One corrupt man,corrupts another, 2Sam.t3g. so. In things doubtfull, be well aduifed, or.forbear , and take the furer, and fafer way. Some defend Ufury, Cards, Dice, long haire, naked necks, &c. But molt condemnthem. Judge what is fafefi, and let thefe be thy rules CO judge by, Ephef.5.I I. Phil.4.8... 1i .Take heedofworldly mindedneis : there is no greater enemy to Confci- ence : Thefe Thorns choke thebelt feeds ofgrace : and this Cankerears out the very life of Confcience : For, fora piece of bread fach an one will tranfgrefs : Such will break their word, betray their Era', deceive their brother, falffie their wares, weights, meafures, lyefor advantage : Richesand a good Confcience fel- domdwell under the fame roof. I z. Takeheed ofan Erroneous Confcience : This is as wildfire in dry Corn : as thewildBore, or ravening Bear: as the wild Afs, Jer. 2. 24., Many hopeful' Profeffors being once leavenedwith Error, doe firft in their hearts undervalue, and contemn, and thenwith theirmouths vilifie, and difgrace thofe faithful' Mi- niilers, whom they formerly magnified, and highly prized. Mr. Sheffield in his accuse, and accurate Treatife of Confcience. Quefi. What are the fgurs of a good Confcience, whereby it may be known I 'Anfsv. Firli, It may be known by the caufes of it : Its not the work of nature, but the free gift of God : not purchafed by our own merits , nor pur- ' ged from naturali defilements by our own fatisfabtions, but purified from dead works, by the preciousbloodofChriftapplyedto us by his holy Spirit, and a lively faith. Secondly, By the manner whereby it is wrought in us : For its not wrought Mmm 2 by Ie II,