Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

4 fz Qneffio,tMtt''Cdfei ofConrciene Chap4 ..3,. b9 tvorfdfy: pétfweMos, fatal from out credit, pleafute, profit, &c. but the htY Min'ifiry óf the wordbegetting faith in us whereby the heart is purified , and this doth. í . By terrifying with the fight and fenfe of our fin , and the punifh- iilehts due for the fame , whereby weare humbled : and then, Secondly,bypa- cifying, and comforting it ; by offering tous in Chrift the free pardon of our firis,econciliatión with God , and the eternal falvation of our fouls. IIT. Thirdly, Its known by the effets: For it excuieth and acquitsus before God bf all fin : and fpeaks peace toour hearts ,affuringus that we are in Gods favour, and grounding this tellimony upon the infallible truth of the Scriptures : It makes us bold in all dangers : couragious in the performance ofall good duties : Like good fervants to come 'often into our Mallets prefence , becaufe it wit- nelfes that we are in favour with him : It makes us often toexamine the book of our accounts in Gods prefence, and to deftre him to furvey our reckonings, Pral:à6.z. After which flsiatit, it will juflifie us in regard of our integrity , as Pf. T 7.3. Mk in refpet of thepetfeetion of our performance , which is full of wants and weakneffes; but of our dtfitt and refolution , Pfa!, t3o 3. and '43. 2. Fourthly, it's known by the properties ofit, which are í. As itspeaceable, fo alfo itspure , notonly from the guilt of fin , but alto from the cortuptiòn. For the bloodof Chrilt, as (like a fovereigne Wye) it pacifies the rase of cónfcienet caufed by the fores of frnne: fo it draweth out the corrupt Matter that caufed it , cleanfrng thefe wounds , Eeb.9. tq.. z. With all care and circumfpection it keeps it felf clearboth beforeGod and man , Att./4.'6. BeforeGod from the fauitineffeoffin, and before men from offenfrvenefs, and all appearance ofevil, i 3. Its not doubtful, and waveringwhetherit be fo or no,but being fo, it knows affuredly that it is fo, and feesit felfby irs own light , Neb. 13. t8. Prov. 28. t. I .joh.3.19,20,z1 4. It mikes them that have it , merry, cheerful, and full of joy : It's a continual Pealt, It makes the hardefl lodging.a bed of down : A prifon a Pallace, &c. Rom. S. 3. AEt.16.15: Pau! andSilos fang in the dungeon. So , 2Cor.t.1 z. It triumphs over death it fell: Yea it chtars the heart in theday of judgement, as wasfaid before. Fifthly, its known by the integrity, and conftancyof it. It labours toapprove it felfboth to Godand than in all things, at all refpdts the wholeLaw, and everyprecept, duelordtr,and proportionbeing obfrved in the weight and excellency of everydory. It joynes piety, and holineffe with righteoufnefs, and honefly, and faith with goodworks , Pfal. 5 29.6. 11e6.13.18. Its the fàttte in all places and companies. Mr. Doronams Guide to Godlinefs, Queft. Plow hash original fnpollutetl everyloos confcience ? 1infl . pirft, bybringing a veil of ignorance upon it, whereby it horribly mif-judgetb, callinggöod evil, andevil good, &e.. Thus theconfciences of flea- -die/is Mire-ablyenthralled them to the fervice ofidols, as if they coulddamne or lave them.Thus fomeFlereticks havethought that they ferved God bydoing niofl abominable and unnaturalthings. The Gnoflic%s taught, that fornication and uncleanneffe Were often tobe committed, fo as to avoid all conception, and if a childe do follow, they draw it from the womb, beat it in a mortar, feafoned it'With honey andpepper, and fo did eat it, Paying that in chis' manner theydid celebrate the great Paifeover. The Carpocratians affirmed, That every onewas boundto commit fin : and that the fouls were put into the bodies till they iboiíldfulfill the itieafnre of their iniquities , applying that in the Parable to this purpofe : Thou /halt not go out till thou haft paid the lu/far. thi+Ig. `ß'ht 1VtontaniJ1's tttade 'a aerificeof the blood ofan Infant of a year old, whom IV. V. I.