Chap,4 s3, abûtft Confciencegood, andbird 4 ç 7 wayappointed by God for togive true peace,-and tranquility to fuch a confci- ence. Quell, Is it not then a ble ffed thing, to come well out of thepaint of a troobl:d con- fcience ? e/Infw, Yea, it is a molt bleffed , and happy thing to corne out of a troubled confcience in a good, fafe, and foul- efiablifhin way: For when confcience is in trauel itsapt to inifcarry : yea, fometimes its fo far from having any joy, or true fruit of,holinefs produced, that a monfler is borne inflead of a man- chiRle. Both Scripture and experience confirm this , that many come our ofthee trou bles with more obflinacy, and wilfulnefs to fin again : and fo thofe hopeful) workings end in a fenfelefie ilupidity_ Pharaoh for awhile,and Belfkazzar, and Felix trembled : Confcience gave tome (harp flings, but it came to no good.. Thus in many,frequent troubles of confcience erld in a plain dedolency, and flupidityofconfcience never to be troubled more. .0h therefore pray, and get thyfriends pray, that thy troubles may be fanólified , and blefled to make a thorough change upon thee. Queft. what is the difference between a-troubled and regenerate confcience? Ant Confciencemay be exceedingly troubled about fin,and yet be in a flare of original pollution , and defiituteof the Spiritof Ch:ifl : As we fee in Cain, and Judas,who had earthquakes in their confciences , and more trouble then they could bear, andyet hadnot regenerate confciences : Indeed thefè troubles are fometimes introduólory, and preparatory to converfion. Butif weflay in thefe,and think them enough,wegroflie deceive our foals.When the Sews by Peters Sermon were pricked to the heart AEi. z. 37, 38. they cry out faying, Whatfhall we do? Peter direcis them to a further duty, which is to repent J. therefore thofe fears and troubles were not enough for their converfi- on. Its true, a gracious, regenerate confcience may have-great initiatory troubles of confcience ; yet thefe troubles do not infer regeneration : but are therefore brought upon thee,that thou mayfibe provoked toenquire. after this newcreature. Quefi.,What may be the caufes of the troubfeofcónfcience, which yet are frort of truefav inQ (/Motives ? Anfw. First, the Comtnifïionof force great and- hainous . fin againfi confci ence : Thismay work terror i thevery natural light of confcience in this cafe may fill the foul with terror: So- AH}.2. ts: the confciences of the Heathen accufed them. Thus Neroafter he had killed his mother, was filled with ter- rors, and our Richard the third,when he had murtheredhisNephews. Secondly, it may arife from fotne heavy and grievous judgement that befall them as we fee in1ófephs brethren, Gen,q.z.zr. SoinÉelfhazzer, &c. Thirdly,God asa juft Judge can fend thefe hornets to fling their confciences, ThusCainbeing Rung, ,fell tobuilding to quiet it. This was threatned, Dent. z9.65,67. This is the beginningevenofhell it felf in this life, Heb. Fourthly;it often comesby the Spirit ofGod convincing, and reprovìn; by the Word, efpecially die Law discovered In the exasinelíe , and condemning power ofit, foh.t6.8. the Spirit convineerh the worldoffin: Now convict ion belongs to the confcience principally; and indeed its the ordinaryway of con- verfion : when Gods Spirit by the Law convinceth, and awakens the confci- encemaking it reflefs ; the man finds nothing but fin : no righteoufnefs to be jufified by : theLaw condemns,Juflice arraigns,andhe is overwhelmed: Hence, Rom.8.t5. thefame fpirit is the Spirit of bondageand -of adoption, calledfofrom its different operations. Fifthly, they may arife by Gods permiflion from the Devil : when Godleft Satan tobuffet, and tempt the incefluous perfon he was almofifwallowed up with too much grief. QueR. What-are the falfewayes that awounded confcience is prone to take ? Nnn l»'fiv,. I I V. Y