458 1. II. QueflinsaandCafes ofConfcience è Chap.43 4nfw. Firs%, fome when troubled forfin, call it melancholly, andpufillanimi- ty, and therefore they will go to their merry company, they will drink it away, rantit away ; or go to their merry paftimes. As Herod fought to kill Jefus as Toone as he was borne: fo these Leek to llifle troubles of confcience in the firflbeginnings of them. Secondly, when this will not prevaile ,but that [till they think they mull go to hell for their fins, they fet themfelves upon fome super [tirious autiere ways: as in Popery, to goon Pilgrimage : to enter into a iitonaffesy , O'c. think - ing thereby toget peace of confcience ; but Luther found byexperience the in- fufficiencie of all thefe courfes. Mr. Anthony Bsrvesof Original fin. Soli Deo Gloria. The