The Table. G R God may befervedupon hope of reward. p.29. andfor fear ofpunsf.tut. 30 How afalfe inflead ofa truet;od isfet up. . 149,151 Good work!. 427 Grace,fgnes when we decay in it. 105 H Hardnefs ofheart how manifold. 445 I Image worfbip. 14,15 Infants, and ideots,whatto be thought of them. 410 Jullifcation, how evidenced. 95 L Law burro le. 89 Love to tidegodly. 198,199 Gods' sLovei ow to know that it dwells in 365 us. M Recidivation, Cafes about it. 355 Recreations, what fhouldbe Nfld. Y90, 191. Hew men fin in them. 3 Redemption uniuerfal difproved. 279, 282,284,346 Repentancediverts Gods anger. 86 Reprobates, what benefit they receive by Chrifl. 284 S Sin,how it difers in the godly and wicked. 172. How to refiff it. 420. None fmall. 420,421 Sins ofothers whether to be rejoyce4 in. 369 Sins ofinferiors,when charged on fuperi- ors, 368 Sorrowgodly. 347 Spirit,how we may know that wehave it. 363 Spirits teffimony. 122, d e. 13 3 Sufferings. Sincerity, frgns ofit. 434)439 Marriage,howmenfin about it. Melancholly, the difternpers ofit. O 3 T 3 57 Ornaments tobe sitedwithcautions. 109, IIo P Parents content neceffary in marriage of children. p.2S9.26o. and in their contralts. z64 Parents caution innaming their children 264,265 Prayer of Chrifl, andours differ. 292 Praying for the Church. 313. How to prevuile. 314 Prefumption, how it difers from affu- rance, 13 5 Thoughtsofdiflrufl. 152 Thoughts diftinguifhed from Satans fugQefhons. ¡Si Tongue to be watched. 418 Howwe are guided into allTruth. 403 U Ufury whether lawful. W 194 Watchfulnefs of Chrifiians. 324, 32.6, &c. Word of God carefully to he attended. 222 FINIS.