Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Iv. About Abflinence in the Vfe of Lanzfi:1 things. Chap.1, A;,fm. s. Confider that lawful liberty ufed to the full extent of ir, is exceed-i dangerous, and therefore force reftraint is neceflary. Le that ill take all; the liberty he may, will fomtimes rake that he ou ht not: and the more the ßefh l is pampered, the more the fpirit is weakened and foiled. Remember who is the Author of all thy libertie in thefe things, andbe fuze' that v, hilefl thou haft the fweetnefie and comfort of them, he may have they glory of them, Rem. Ir. 36. Ofhim, and throeob him, and to him are all things, to whom be glory for ever, i Çor. Io. 31. Whether ye eat, ordrinb,, or whatfoeveryou do, do all to theglory of God. With the ufe of natural things, labour to joyne a fpiritual, and fo whilefl we cherifh our bodies, we (hall alfo refrefh our foules : As in the ufe of meat, and drink, air we upour felves to labour for the bread and water of life. In putting on our cloaths, labeur to put on Chrift, í 3. 14. In Marriage, meditate muchon thatfweet contradl betweenChrift and the foul : and fo in the refl. This is an holy Alchimy, that drawsGold out of Lead, Heaven out of Earth, and Grace out of Nature. Confider that the right ufe of peace and plentie, is to grow up in the feare of God, in peace of Confcience, and in the comforts of the Holy Gholl : So the Church ufed her tell and peace{ Aets 9. 31. For where the Lord affords more outward blefïings, andwick them, more time and meanes to ferve him, he looks for the more fervice from them. In our more free and joyful ufe of Gods good creatures , lee us carry holy jealoufie over our felves, left fin creep in, and fo we difhonour God : J,;b, when his Ions £eafted together, fandlified them, and facrifïced acco-ding to the number of them, laying, It may be my foes have finned, &c. Job a. g. Do thou the like, mingle not thy joy with fin, left it end in wo. Dr. il "ailór on the Parable of the Sower, p. 164.' CHAP.