6 Queffions, andCafes ofConfcienceabout, &c. Chap.2 The heart muff be fincere, elfe ¿ven the noblefíduties of Religionare nothing 4 worth. Judiu preached andwrou2Ílt miracles, yet was a defperate hypocrite See how the lfraelites fought God', and enquired early after him, Pfnl. 78. '.4 &c. yet becaufe their hearts were not upri ;ht God reje&ed them. The meanes muff be good : o herwife let there be never fo exa& a concur- rence of all other caufes, yet lc gtory and comfort of the A&ion is quite dark- I ned. As, fuppofe that by a lie thoucouldfl lave thy neighbours life, yea, his foule, yea, the foules of all men upon earth, yet on thy part, all were naught: For wee mull not do evil thatgood ; ay corne of it, Rom. 3. S. The circumffances mutt be feafonable : As for example : Private prayer is a duty, but then it muff be in a fit place, not in theSynago ues nor cornersof the flreets : but in a ferret place, Mar. 6. 5, 6. Meditation of divine things is an excellent duty : but not when the Preacher is praying, &c. The end muftbe anfwerable in goodnefle : In all our undertakings we mull have our eyeprincipally at Gods glory : otherwife, let al I the duty be carried on never fo plaufibly in the eyes of men, itsnobetter then the cutting off a dogs neck':. Jehu did excellentfervice, by rooting out the idolatrous houle of Ahab; and deflroying Baals Prieffs : yet it was but murther in Gods account, Hofea s. 4. becaufe he fought himfelf, and not Gods glory_ therein. See Boitons General Diretlions for a comfortable walking with God , p 149 ( ei r hat things can make agood anion to became evil-? Anfw. 1. Impenitency inany finwill flaine any action, be it in it felfnever fogood,lfá. r. t 3,to 16. An evil end will defile a good a&ion: As,to be feen of men, &c. Mat. 6. 2,6. Unbeliefmakes all a&ions evil For Heb. 11.6: whenweeither knownot our warrant for it, or believenot Gods acceptation of it. Rafhneffe and indifcretion marts good a&ions, `Prow. 19. 2. when we have not refpe& to thecircumt+ances ofwell-doing : when goodduties are done rude- ly, &c. whereas we fhould bewife todo good, jm.16.19. Untvillinanelfe doth the like, when it feems evil to us to ferve God, Jofh. 24. 14, 52 when our works are dead works, Hebr. 9. 14. Deuteronomy 28. 47. When men bear not theirown fruit, do not the duties of their own place, calling, and relations ; aswhen a Ring will offer facrifice : or aprivate perfon` orwoman will preach, &c. Confidence in the flefh Marrs good a&ions : when men trufl to theirown wits, reafon, skill,gifts,and donot all in the Name andStrengthof Jefus Chrifl, Col. 3.57. `Phil. 3. 3. InconflancyThames any good a&ion : when we are weary of well-doing or decline, and go backwards: our righteoufneffe being as the morning- dew. Quefl. Can any thing we do begood, when all our righteoufneffes are asfilthy rags ? Ifa.64.6. Anf.Our works in themfelves arenotgood,but byGods indulgence alluredunto us in the NewCovenant they are : where God 1. Accepts the will for the deed : we dowell, whenwe delire and endeavour to do as well aswe can. 2. God beholdsthework in Chrifl : and through his interceflion palles by the evil that cleaves to ourbet+ a&ions. 3. God regards it, as proceeding from his own fpirit inus, who caufeth us- to do good , and works our works for us : as in Prayer , A.omanes S. 26. CHAP. Mr.Byfeldon Peter.