Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.3 Qxe,fiions, and Cafe.: of Conkience about Adoption. We mull make confcience of fanE+ifying the Sabbath, and choofing the things which will pleafe God, &c. Ij , ç6.4, ç, 6. Quell. What are the marks whereby we may know our f Ives to be the adopted children of god? e/Ínfw. Such are made like unto God their father in holineffè, in forne truth of refmblance, r 'Pet. r. 15. and this they. Thew twowayes. 1. By purifying themfelves, and foundhumiliation for their fins that defaced Gods Image in them, i .john 3. z, . 2. By employing themfelves conflanrly in doing righteoufneile. Hereby they are known from the children of the devil, I John 3. ro. Such love the brethren as their fellow heires, i John 3.K 4. Such have the fpirit of prayer, 'P:m. 8. 15, 16. Such ferve God , notout of a Ilavith fear, but with a filial affe6lion, Ifa. 56. 6. Such wil love them that hate them,andbleffe them that curfe rhem,Lnk 6.3 5, Mat. 5.44. Quell. How mufl the adopted font of God carry th:mfives in this life ? Anfw. They muff be Peace-makers, Mat: 5. 9. their Father is the God ofpeace. They mutt not revile fuch as revile them, but rather blelfe them, feeing they are heires ofthe Well-mg, I Pet. 3.9. They muff live without carefulneffe, knowing that they have a heavenly Fa- ther to care for them, Mat. 6. 32. and being heires of a better, they mutt not let their hurtsupon this world, I John 2. I5. They muff willingly fubmit to their Fathers corre&ions, Heb. 1 z. 9. Mr. Byfield onPeter. Queli. VVhat may we do that wemay attain thefpirit of Adoption, and h,e.p the lively fenfe and f eling of it in ourPules ? Anfw. We mutt diligently attend upon the Miniftryof the Weird, z Cor. 3. 6, 8. for its the Minojlry of the Spirit, becaufe by it yod offers and commu- nicateshis Spirit, Gal. 3. 2. Wemutt beg this of Adoption of God, Luke I r. 13. We mull open the doores ofour hearts that the Spirit may enter, Pfa1. 24.7. Rev. 3, a0. that is, we muff call off our mindesfrom earthly things, and we mutt mile themup to attend to the motions of the Spirit. Quel+. VVhat are the Signes that we have the Spirit of Adoption ? Anfw. If we have the Spirit of Prayer, whereby we can call God, Father, Zach. 1 2.10. R;m. 8.1 ç, 26. Gal. 4. 6. If we have an high etleem of that dignity which is in Adoption, John 1.12. I lam 3.1. Ifwe reverence andhonour God asour Father, (Mal. r. 6. ¡Ter. 1.17. If weyield child-like obedience to him, ¡Pet. r; 14. Rom. 8.14.. If we aremade conformable to the Imageof God our Father, and Quillour elder brother, (Nat. ç. 48. Rom. 8. 29 ¡John 3. 9. Ifwe have a lively hope ofour future inheritance, Rom.8. /7. Queft. Howmay we preferve thewitneffe of the Spirit of Adoptionin us ? Anfw. If we do not extinguifh it by contempt of the means of grace, IThcf. 5.19ì 20. If we do not grieve the Spirit by the filthinefíe of fin, Eph. 4.30. If we fir it upby our honeft endeavours. Amef. Cal: Conte. C 2 CHAP. tI IV. I. II. IV. V. I. II. III.