Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Íó il II. IV. V. VI., VIL VIII. IX. Quelikens, andCafes of Ccnfcierce about f.dxliery. Chap. 5i ledge, or not knowledge breaks the bend never the snore, unlellè it be proved, 1 judged and determined. 7. Divorce is a punifhment for a fault committed ; now none may punifh it but a lawful Judge." See Steck oii Old/. c.s. p. ra ()ucll. Bow n. ay married perfonsprevent, and to th/and temptations to Adul- tery ? e'lnftt. Confider that the Adulterer makes himfelfthe member of anhar- lor, which will lie heavy upon the confcience when time ferves, that in finning this fin, thebody is thus made the member ofa Strumpet. Confider that Adultery gives a deadly blow to the knot of trarriaEe : Its cried out on exceedingly in the word : It cuts afunder the fneva=es of families : It corrupts the minde, and takes away the ufe of reafon : It brought Sólosnos, the wife to run into idolatryagainfi common fenfe : and Sampfon the firong, thouLh he knew the harlot wouldbetray him, couldnot forbear. It will damne men in hell except they repent, i Cor.6.9,ro. No Adulterer frail enter into the Kingdome of God. So 2Pet. 2. 9, ro. Being convinced of thehainoufneffe of this fin, in the next place the Mar- riage-bed muff be prelerved in all purity. 7he tentation is firong to fornication, but fironger to Adultery : for the worfer a fin is, the fironger is the impulfi- on of Original lull unto it , and Satari is more eager to draw us to it. .Labour for an hearty love to thy yoke - fellow, whiçb is a fpecial means to pre- ferve conjugal chafiity: Its not the having, but the loving of a yoke-fellow, that keeps us chafle. Hence Prov. 5. 19, 20. Keep in with God in other matters : For that man with whom the Lord is angry for other things, (hall fall into the handsof a filthy woman, Trov.22.14. Eccl.7.26. Married perfons muff be chafiebetween themfelves : Beware of exceffe c_ de- feel in the ufe of theMarriage-bed, I Cor.7. 5. There mufi be quenching, not provokingof lull : Raging fait is a great enemy to love,, and willnot be content with one. Married perfons mull avoidalfc, I. Words, andtalk full of obfeenity t they mufi not by wordscorrupt one anthers chafiity, which is worfe then corrupting the chafiity of a (han- ger. what if no body be by, yet God is by. 2. Their eyesmull be pure and chafle, elfe it will follow, that their eyes will be full of Adultery, 2 ?et. 2.5 4. Adam and Eve made coverings COhide their nakedneffe each from other. ti:4odrfty is the heft :Prcferver of Nuptial chaftity; Love dothno unfightlyor unfeemly thing. 3. The bed mufi 'be fanetified and kept undefiled by theWord and Prayer : The Word is a mighty healer of corruptions, rowhich we mull joyrePrayer, ordie we relic too muchon the Phyfick. Prayer will keepus that we (hall not furfet, and fo come to a loathing: Nor fall into a defeel : There muff be a fatisfying and ,drinking awayof ourchino at ourownCifteme, Prov. 5. 19. leaf*we han- ker after aflrange fountain. Prayer will keep us from bale and abufivedallian- ces. It will keep thebedundefiled, and encreafe love, and mutual affeEtion. See Capelloureaaptatiaas p. 386. Confiderhow the Lord approveth, and urgeth Matrimonial .chaffity, a Thef. 4.3. This is shewiri sf God, thatye f¢iould abffainfromfornication, and every onepoffrIo reffei lob.12efe,&r. Remember how the Lord interpofeth,and challeugeth the Covenantbetween perlons at their Marriage as made to bimfelf: fo as The that forfaketb theguide Iof her youth, forgetteththeCevenantof her God, Prov. 2. 57. yea, he profeffeth that henarrowly watcheth, and clearly fees when this Covenantis broken. For Prov.