Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

!Chap. 6, eyeftions,andCafes ofCtmfcience Apia it tiions,&c. (Zuefl. Why mttfioxr eAffeRiansbe Fateful() lookked to; and ord.rsd by Gods Word ? Anjsro The firff fort of reafonsmay be taken from the eife&sof difordered pAlms : As, 7. Becaufe Paffions when unruly, blinde Judgement and Reafon : Paffions are like green fpeééacles that make all things look green : fo he that loves, hares, or is vehemently pofleffed with any other pal-lion, judgeth all things that concurre in favour of that ['Wien to be good, and agreeable with Rea- fon. Paffions feduce the Will : 'becaufe the Underftanding being theeye and dire- ctor of thewill, which of it feíf being blinde, and without knowledge, fol- loweth that which the Will reprefenteth andpropoundeth as good ; wherefore thewaves and biilowes of apparent reafons, foshake the fandy fhelfe of a weak Will, that they mingle it wnh them, and make all one : Betides, the bVill by yielding to the Parions, receiveth fome little pleafurewhich movethher to let loofe the Bridle to inordinate appetite, having inher two inclinations ; one to follow reafon, the other to contentfenfe. Paffions mightily ,change the quiet temper, and difpofition of the mindc : Tor the mindc is atpeace, when theWill ruledby Prudence, moderates and governes the Paffions : but the foul is troubled when Pallions.oppofethemfelves againft the Rule ofGovernment. For, I. Pallions rebel againfl Reafon, andundermine the llnderffandingsof men to their oreat mpleitation : For no fooner loth theMinde afcendHeaven-ward bÿ.Meditation, brit inordinate Paffions hale it back, and draw it down to the earth. z. One paffion fightswithanother, as fear'oppofeth Anger, Covetoufneffe, Prodigality , and ona fuddenmen fall frorn one extream to another, as from great goy to great grief. 3. Paillon is unfatiáble, Covetoufneffe enereafeth ás richesencreafe. 4. Inordinate Pall-ions either prevent Reafon, or are flirted up by a corrupt judgement, and thereforeneither obferve time nor place ; but upon everyoc- cafion would be leaping into ac}ion, importuning execution : yea, fomumes manygreedypaflions crowd in altogether, everyonebeing more earneftthen o- ther to be farisfied : fo that to contentthem all,is impoffible ; to content none is intolerable : toprofecute one, and abandon the ref{, is to carry fo many hun- gry vipers continually gnawingupon bur foules. q. There are nonethat follow theftreams of their Parsons, but exvefi and believe at íaft to geifull reif and contentto their appetites, whichyet in the e- vent is altogether tmpoffible : for they keep neither fenfe, order, nor mea- fure. 6. Inordinate pail on it feíf is an extream tortute and vexation ; God Na- vin; fo ordained that they whichwill give way to them, Thould feel the : burden of them Thus anger, envie, pride, &c. more difquietthem that éntertain them, then they can hurt any other. naan. Rafhneffe, Inconffancy, Craftineffe, are the companions of inordinate Paf- fions. The refolutionsand determinations of the paionate are unripe, and inconfiderate: they ireaifo'inconflant, changingfromthofe purpofes, that f t hey had prudently refolved upon in the, calmeof their Paffions : and yet Paf fonsbreedfraft, enforcing 'the nainderondeout new vyayes andnfeanesfor 'performántce of what is affécfed. Inordinate pafions are hurtful to the body, impaire health, breedhumours, nourifíidífeafes, andíliorren life. Secondly, the fecond fort of Reafons, to ftsew that Affesfionsfhouldbe rightly ordered arc takenfrom the confederation of the profit, and 'benefit of well- z3 I. II. V.