Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

i 4 Queiiona,andCafesofConfcience aboutAfaions,&c. Chap.6, well guided affeCiions. For, a. They ratherferve asinflruments of vertue, then fomentvice : and as an occafionof vi&ory, thena caufe of foil. Chrifi, in whom were no inordinate affeaions, had hisfoul heavy even unto death, Mat. 26. 38. 2. TheScriptures exhort us to love, fear, joy, &c. therefore it were blafphe- mous to fay that thefe Paffions are abfolutely evil. 3. If the motions of our Wills be vertuous, being guided byGods Word and Prudence, if then the Paffions concurrewith the I, vertuous a -. are per- formed with much more cafe and delight. uefl. Howmay we know to what `Pafons oar Joules are moil enclined ? I. Anfw. By our company that we moll delight in : Like affeaeth like ; meet- ings and manners for the moil part fympathize together. II. By our thoughts andwords: If we delire tobe praifed, or infinuate our own praile, its a ligne we are proud. &c. For the Minde thinks, and the tongue will (peak according to thePaffions of the heart. III. Get a difcreet friend toadmonifhus of our Paffions, whenweerre from the paths of vertue : for Pelf- love blinds us, and others may fee that byus, which wecannot fee by our felves. IV. God fomtimes fuffers our enemies to difcover, andupbraid us withour Paf- fions, while$ they pry into our aaions more narrowlie then we our felves doe. V. Long experience conduceth much to difcover our inclinations of Minde, as well as the temperature of our bodies. Quell. By what degrees are the affefiians wrought on ? Anfw. By nine degrees : In the five aft, a carnal manmay have his affe ti- ons wrought on, and in the (aft foure of them he cannot. As, When they are fo far wroughton that the heartis enticed, and allured much by them. So the eloquent Mnifters at Corinth wrought on the Affedliens of the Hearers that they flock after them. Tag/ durfl not fo preach, I Cor. II. VII. VIII. IX. 2. 4. When theAffeétions are fo wrought on, that the heart is fomewhat touched therewith. Thus God turned the Affeótions of the Ifraelites to Saul, 1 Sam. to. 26. As a Needle touched with a Loadflone, turnes it fell to the North: So awicked mans Affections may be touchedby the Word. When AffemSlions are fo wrought on, that the heart is fomewhat bowed there- by : SoDavid bowed the hearts of the men of Judah, as ofone man, 2 Sam. 19. 14. When they are fo wrought on, that the heart is flollen away by them : Thus Abfalom hole away the hearts of all Ifrael, 2 Sam. 15.6. When they are fofar wrought on, that the heart is enflamedby them. Thus Cities of Refuge were appointed, left the Avenger of blood purfue the Slayer, whileft his heart was hot, i. e. whilell he was in a Paflon, Dent. 19.6. So Saul had a great zeal to Gods Church, 2 Sam. 21. 2. jebu was zealous for God, e Kings so. 16. When they are fo far wrought on that the heart is quite overturned fromwhat it was before. So Lam. I. 20. Behold, (Oh Lord) for lam in diflreffe, my bowels are troubled, my heart is turnedwithin me, &c. viz, with grief fortheir fins. When theyare fo far wrought on, that the heart is engaged for God. As a wo- man engageth her heart to him whomflie will make her husband, fcr.3o.2t. Who is he that engageth his heart to approachunto me? When they are fofar wrought on that the heart is glued to a thing by them. So was Davids, Pfalme 119. 31. I haveflue!unto thy Teflimonies. 'A hen they are fo farwrought on, that the heart is quite givenup to the thing tha