Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 6 QueJtions,andCafes ofConfcience about /ff fe lions,&'e. I Affections are the fouls (Iomack : that which the foul affe&s, it fills and feeds the foul as meat doth the flomack : fuch then as our affections are, fuch is our food. We fhould not therefóre feed our fouls withvanity, trash and poi- fon : every thing is trash betides Chrift ; yea, every thing is poifon betides Chrift and his graces : If we fet our affections on things below, we feed upon I trash. The 1,Vord is the milk andfood of the foul, and therefore the Apoftle would have us fet our affections, and feed upon that, s Per. z. 2. Let us there- fore icr our affections upon the things which are above, which is the who lefome food of thefoul. ' Affections are the materialsof brace : the main work ofgrace is the ruling of theaff&ions ari<:ht : It takes them offfrom things en the earth, and lifts them up to thinz,s in heaven. So that when grace converts a man, it doth not take away the affe&ions, but rules and rectifies them. It takes not away anger, but turnes it again (inne , and the dishonour of God. It takes not away cheerfulneile, but makes us merry in Gods fervice ; and t o rejoyce in the Lord. It takes not away ftdneife, but Makes us mourn for our deadneffe, bar rennefle, &c. Gratin non tollìt fed attollit naturam : It cakes not away nature, but lifts it up. Therefore Saint maul calls our affections members, Rom. 6. 19. Becaufe by themgrace worketh. Affections are arguments what we are : As our affections are, fo are our foules. The goodneffeor vainnelfe of our affections fhew that we arcgodly, or ungodly men. Affeiluo varum indicar. Our affections, Phew what we are. ueft. Hoyt, may it b: proved that affeelions in themfelves arc not fin-, full? Anfw. Becaufe s4dam and Eve had affe&tions in innocency, who were created without fin. Chrift took our affections upon him, which if they were finful he couldnot (have done. He rejoyced, Luke to. 21. He forrowed, C.SYlat.26.3ä. He was angry, Mar. 3. 5. He defired, Luke zz. t s. God commandsus tobe angry, Eph. 4. 26. and to mourn, Joel 2. 12. to.feare, Luke 12. 5. tobe ashamed, fer. 3. 3. which if they were finful in themfelves, he could not do. Yea, its a great bleffn , that we have affe- &ions. For, 1.Had we no affections, we fhould be like(locks and fenfeleffe ftones ; as is implied, Lam. t. tz. q. d. Areyou fuch blocks that ye are not at all affected with my forrowes, therefore its reckoned as a fymptome of a defperately har- dened heart, not to be aifeeled with any thin. 2 .Were it notfor affections nature would be idle and lazie : For theyare as winde to the falles ofa fhip, as wheels to a Chariot : Hence Pfal. 119. 32. 1 will run the way of thy Commandments, wh.n thou fhdlt enlarge my heart, i.e. my affections. Though a mans reafon tells him, that he is bound to re- pent, to be godly, to obey, &c. yet if he bath no affections thereto, he can- not move towards them. Hence Cant. t. 4; Draw ire, viz. by the affections oflove, and Iwill runafter thee. Affections are whetftones to good. Haft thou love ? Its awhetftone to obedience. Halt thougrief ? Its a whetftone to repentance. Haft thou anger?? Its awhetflone to zeale, &c. 3.Afte&ions are good channels for grace to run in. Art thou covetousand full of defires ? Its eafier for theeto covet the better things. Art thou cholerick ? Its afit channel for thy zeal for Gods glory to run in. Art thou melancholy ? .Its a fit channel for repentance to run in. Art thou fearful ? Its a fit channel for the fear of God and his judgements to run in, &c. Jeremy was of a fad conftitution, and fee what advantage he made of it. fer. 9. i. Oh that my head were waters, &c. E 3 Queft. V1. VIII,