Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

thap.6Qeef>':ons, andCafef ofCMfcience about ,Afe5iions,&c. 29 uef}, what T Rffons may move us to R4ed that that is good ? s. .Anfw. By the Law of nature iinprintedin our hearts; like a Lamborn to I. dìreet us continually in the night of this miferable life. In a well-ordered Common-wealth, vertuous men are exalted, therefore lI. the delire of credit and reputationthould quicken us unto vertue. The confederation of thedecayesof our body, and the approach of death III. fhould moveus to leada vertuous life. . - By vertuewe acquire peace, and tranquillityof m.indc, and a quiet and fe- IV. rene confcience. Chriilwas nailed to theCroffc to draw us to vertue ;- He was crucified to V. kill fanne in us , and he rafe again to quicken us to newnefie of life. The internal Gifts ofGod, the Armour of Faith and Charity, with other VI. Graceswrought in us by the HolyGhoft, are to fortifie us againit vice,and to en- able us to a vertuous life. All the good motions fromGod tend to perfwade us tovertue, and to dif- VIL Ifwade us from vice. God thereforegivesus fo many Teachers and Preachers tokeep us from fin, VIII, and toallure us toGodlinetfe. The Scriptures were written, asletters of love fromGod, to invite us to ver- IX. we, anddehart usfrom vice. The Sacraments ( thofe Scales of the Covenant) were infdituced for the X. foiritual refrefhing, and watering of our Coules, to the encreafeof verrue 1 in us. God in infinite mercy befides his Word, hath given us the examples of god- XI. ly and vertuous men, but efpecialiy of Chrifi himfelf, to draw us to the imita- tion of theirverrues. By venue of the Communionof Saints, we enjoy theprayersof all the faith- XII. ful, who continuallybeg this mercy for us. God, by his continual Providence, cloth. watch over usfor our, good, to fu- XIII. Rain our weakneffe, to raife us when we fall,, tö direst us whenweerre, to fuc- cour us in ourwants, tomitigate the tempefts of tentations, and to moderate the waves ofwicked occafìons. Ve; tue of it Pelf, if neither rewardhad been promifed, nor judgments threat- XÏV. ned, becaufe of her internal beauty, graceand excellency, might move us to love and follow her. Remember the rare and preciousPromifcs that aremade to thofe thatfollow XV. after ri;hreoufncffe. Ouelt. Is it not mercenary to yield obedience to God upon hope of re- ward? e 4nfw. Not for if the Lordufefuch means andmotives toquicken us in Heavensway, its not mercenary but lawful tomake ufe of them for that end, So 'fobs 3.16,Yá. Roo,. t. 7. I3eb.rr.26. 9,uell. Whereinfßasds thepolkaedexert i f e.o f thofe affeEhons that ¡lie from their objea ? Anfw. In that theyAnna all evilroundly, orderly, and conitantly, according to thedirection of Gods Word. Queft. what Reafensmay indkceuit tothin thatwhich isevil ? Anfw. The remorfe and pangsofconfcience in the veryalt of finning, may I. deter us front it. The infamy and difgracewhichattends wickedneffe : For no man can truly II. love a viciousman. AllwellgovernedCommon-wealchs appoint puhments for vices to root III. themout. E 3 By