Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.6 QteeJlionc, andCafesofConrcience about Af5ion,r,&c Gods children are fomerimes deceived in judging of their affections, but when oppofition comes, then they are difcovered: As for wantof ftirrin; up the grace of God in themfelves,or forwant of good means: or by bodily indifpofition their affections may feeme dull : But let reli:.;ionbe difgraced, or oppofed any way , and then you (hall finde that their aff_Ciions aredeeply rooted towards hea- venly things: but they appeared not before , becaufe there was no oppofiti- on. This is acertain rule , that a mans aft 9ions are as his perfwafion is , andhis perwauions as his li`he is. As he bath a heavenly li ght , difcovering heavenly things, fo is his perfwafion of a better flare then the world can yeild: and anfwerable tohis perfwafion fo is his foul railed up to delight in the bell things. Quell. What ruler are to be obfervedfor the better goverment. of our affetl i- ons. .infra. They mufsbe guided by the word of God : If they have not this rule to guid them , theywill wander out of the right way _ Thefe are good Servants but badMallets. T hey mutt not run till Reafon bid them goe. They are the feet- of the foul, now theeye mull guide the foot or elfe it will goe it knows not whi- ther . Hereby affe&ions are dire&ed to ri Pub Obje&s to love what fhould be loved, and tóhate what lhould be hated : as Chrifr directs. Luke 12. 3, 4, 5. and fo Col. 3.2. 1. Pet.- z. z.t. john . z. 15. Affe&ions mifplaced are like mem- bers out ofjoynt which will oneday caute pain. Moderate afte&ions, and keep thermwith in due bounds . Proportion them to their obje&s in meafure more or lefs according to the kinde and degree of good, or evill wherein they are to be ruled by judgement. Grieve for the greaten evils mots wherein God is difhonored, grievefor affiLions lefs which are lefs- evills. Sofor joy; Lxk i Pfa. 4r. CT' 16. 3. Q eft. Why lhould the affiElions be thus l pt within their bounds. anfw. Becaufewhilft affeötions are kept within bounds, they are kept in order, every affection keeps his place , like foldiers in their ranks : but when they break their bounds, they break their baneks like a fwelling wa- ter. Whileft they are kept within bounds they are kept in vfe , ate helpful one to another , and obedient to reafon, otherwifethey hurt and devoure one another; as excetlive grief devoures joy . &c when they exceed they =let themfelves un- ufeful, and the man in whom they are, unfit either for the fervice of God," or man. yea they captivate reafon, anddraw us todoe thingsboth contrary to judg- ment and confcience. Whileft they are kept within bounds they are kept in credit and efteem: but it is their ¡harm to fall intoextreams: To be much affectedwith fmall, and trivi- all matters isgreat levity, to be little affe&ed with.great matters isftupidity. To have our afSe&ions deffe&ive in fpirituall things, and exceffive in temporall ar- gues an ill goverment of thefoul. we fee the contrary: Cant. 5. 8.z.Cor, 5. 13.14 Exod, 3 z.19. ed? Quell. Horn may theft immoderate 44-bons be prevented? er cur- Anfw.Forfee byprudence fuch thinsbefore they come whichmay prove great Provocations toour felves of joy , grief, Anger , Fear, &c. and fet bounds to them in our refolutions before hand how much wewillbe affeF,ted with themwhen they corn topafs, and noemore. Set up a Mafter affe&ion inyour hearts to rule all tite reti , and keep them in awe, in order, and in meafure,and let that be the holy fear ofGod.that your;hearts may not dare to love any Creature overmuch, nor togrieve for any worldly lofs too much. &c. and that becaufe you fear God, who will rewardandpunifhyour - iza fe&ions aswell asa&ions. II. I. II. II. 11. I. II,