Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Excl. I].IL. B. Hails t0 bis Ca¡ce of COnriiclláe A4>18.ó. Sumncum ajud Deum eff nobi- litar, clsrum cffc virtutibu.r Hierum. TheEpiflleDedicatory. w ifeft ofmen, tellsus, that o fmaking (which is true altoofreading)many Books there is no end, and much (lady is azvearinef oftheflefh :yet tohave thechoice- eft flowers tranfplantedout of feveral gardens into a littleparcel ofground, cannot but minifter both pleafüre and profit. Concerning this Subject, a Learned, famous, and Reverend Divine hath left us his thoughts in thefe words : Of all Divinity (faith he) that part is moil ufefull which determines Cafes ofConfiience, andofall Cafes ofConfcience the practicalare moft nece f fary ; as aCtion is o fmore concern- ment then f peculation. Such you fhall finde here, wherebyyoumay be guided both in private and publick; and whereby,as in an impartial Glafs,you mayview the face , and know the true fiate ofyour fouls,andbe directed to be the more exemplary in your lives:you know that MagnatesfuntMagnetes, great ones, likeLoad-(tones, draw many by their examples , a nd inferioui s look upon them as their Looking-glalfes, bywhich they ufuallydrefs them- felves : its very obfervable, that whenCrifus the chiefRuler ofthe Synagogue beleeved, many of theCorinthians beleeved alto; andI doubt not but your confront and diligent attending upon thepub- lick Miniftry (though at a great diltance from you)doth attract and quicken many of your Te- nantsand neighbours to do the like. It makes you alto precious in the eyes ofGod and his people, the belt Nobility i s to excel in grace, andvertue; and this