Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 6 Qxeftions,andCafes ofConfcience about , 'ffe5iions,&e Seventhly,Spirirualize affe&ions:as r. Sorrow for afl3i &ion into forrow for fin; turn worldly forow intogodly forrow.So your deliht in the creatures to promote your joy in theLord , and in communion with Chri(i, and in holy duties: your hopes of favour f om men CO raife expedation of fpiritual blcfrn from : your fear of man into an awful) dread ofGod, If:. 51. 1 z. Li0hthly,Root and encreafe good $f&ions in you,as Epk. 3.1 7. and that 1. Secaule , when they are rooted in the heart they will be durable, and mould ius into their likcnetie : elfe they will be but tiathes, and beat no fruir, as =v. 2. 4. Ga1.4. 15. loan ç. 35. z. Chernh holy afft!ons, and blow themup from a finoke to a flame, by the bellowes ofprayer, and jewel of the \Vord, 1 Th.,f. 4. 9, 10. Ninthly,Di(ti:s uith affe&ions, andaet them. r. Difîinguith them by the Obje&s about which they converte, and by the Roots fromwhence they grow, and by the heads towhich they rife. r. The Objeeis about which affe&ions are, are either good or e- vil, as apprehended fo by the underflanding : As when the underilanding appr ehends a thing tobe good, the affe&ions ernb.ace it with love, Cant. ç. 3, r; 6, and this good is either prefenr, and then we rejoyce in it : or abfent, and then wedelire it ; If it be improbableto beattained, then we fear ; If impoffible, then we defpair : If obfiru, ted, it Eürres up anger. If theevil be future, we fear it, &c. 2. The Roots fromwhence the affe&ions grow, are love or hatred. All the affe;; ions which arife from the apprehenfion of t ood grow from love: As delire is love inmotion : the continual fallies of love : Delicht is love acquiefcing in the pofleffion of it ; Fear is love in awe of the beloved : Hope is love in expe&ation : Zeal is love in a flame. All the affe&iolas which arife from the apprehension of evil, grow from ha- tred. 3. The heads towhich they arife, and are referred : Thus all the affe&ions which areconverfant about good, have forne deli;;ht in them, asLove,De- f re, Hope. All that are convenant about evil have force grief mingled with them : as Harred, Fear, Repentance, Anger. 2. A& themaccording to the natureof them. For, Affe&ions are the fin I principles, or movers of a&ions, and a&ion is the end or proper wo kof afte&ions. To a& affe&ions confider why God hash placed them in the foul,andael them accordingly : Concerning which feeeach particular affe&ion under their proper heads. Tenthly,try affe&ions whether theybe true orfalfe,real or counterfeit-,and that a. By their p °pennies. r . Are they fet upon right obje&s ? as to love, de- fire, deli_ht in. and hope for God and good only. To hate, feare, flic, and mourn for,and be angrywith that whichis evil. t. Are they fincere for their aets and ends ? Are their <t,°ts real or feigned ? as tiliar. t a. 30. 1 John 3.18. Do you hate and mourn for fin really ? Doye prefer God and hisglory before felf? Do ye prefer publick good be- fore private ? 2. Are they fincerefor theirends ? Do weaffe& goodneffe for goodneffe- fake ? andGod, his Word, Servants, &c. for the goodneffe that is in them ? Dowe hate evil for evils fake ? Dowe affect fpiritual thins for fpiritual ends ? Dowe defite gifts and graces toglorifie God, fubdue cor- ruptions, &c ? 3. Are they moderate ? Doyou keep them withinbounds? Are you fearful of exceeding in them ? Arc 33 ITN. Rule. VIII. IX. X. Role.