Qneflion.r,andCafesofConfcience about Affiaion.r, &c. Chap. 6 4. Are they feafonablcfor time and occafion ? then they are good fruir, Pfal. 1. 3. unfeaionable affedtions are like Snow in Summer, or Raine in Harveft. 5. Are they conftant in theircourfe ? not fudden flafhes, or fleeting motions, flirredup by fits, or upon extraordinary occafions, but the confiant pulls of our foul. 6. Are they unchangeable and invincible in their bent ? Can nothing take of our affedtions for God and goodnefle ? our hatred and mourning for lin ? our delight in Gods Ordinances, and Duties ? ;tc. Unchangeable love is true love : Such is Gods to us : and invincible hatred againft fin is right ha- tred, fehn 13. I. Jer. 31.3. 2. Try themby their efieels ? Firft, do they draw us nearer to God, Chrift, Heaven, to walkwith him, and wait on him for grace and ftrength ? Do they further our Communion with God, and conformity to him. Secondly, do your affelions prepare you to holy duties, put you forward to them, in them, and further your obedience as the wheeles and fail-es of your foul ? Thirdly, do they help you inefchewing and overcoming evil, as well as in the obtaining good ? Do they turne you from, and fet you againft evil, fo that you dare not fin, becaufe you hate it, and feare God ? But on the contrary, if your affedtions, 1. DiftuLb Reafonand hinder ir, or caufe you to call good evil, or evil good,or to (land in defence of evil, as Jonah didof hispaffion, fonah 4.9. Idowell to be angry, &c. 2. Draw you away from God to go a whoring after vanity. 3. If they indifpofe you to duties, takeoff your edge to them, ofput you out offrame for them, as exod. 6. 9. 1 `Pet. .7. 4. If they diiquiet your fouls, trouble and unfertle them, and caufe a tempeft in them, as grief did in David, Pfal. 42. 1 r. So A5 .16. 17. Gen.3o. t. S. If they put the body into a languifhing condition, as Amons love, or tuft rather didhim, z Sam. 13. 4- 6. Ifyour affedtions maturde tongue, or hand, aspat ion did Mofes tongue, Pfeil. 106. 3 3. jeroboams hand, a Kings 13.4. they are not right. Queft. why (hould we try our ajfeFlions ? e/Infe.Firll,Becarde they are the pulfe of the foul,and by the temper of them the hate of the foul may be difi erned. IT. Secondly, Bccaufe there is much deceit in them:For a great part of the hearts deceitfulnefle, lies in the cheats of the affedtions. uefl. Why fhould wefo diligently govern our affe5lions ? Anfw.Firft,Becaufe fuch as the afle&ions are,fuch is the man :Good affect&"ions are good treafure hid in theheart, which makes the Owner a goodman. God accounts aman' according tohis affedtions, anddefcribeshim by them as hedid Job, ch. 1.1. And fo 'Pf. 112.1. Deut. ç. 29. II. Secondly,God accepts our perfons and fervicesaccording to ouraffedtions:As Ibrahams willingneffe to facrifice Ifaac,Gcn.za. 16,17. andDavids to build him an houfe, 1 King.. 8.18. 2Sam. 7.11. For 2. Cor. 8. 12. It is accepted if there be a willing mantle, C7c. 2Cor. 9.7. So 1ph. 6.7, 8. Col. 3. 23, 24. Yea, God is much taken with his peoples affections, s Cor. 8. 3. Cant.4.9. III. Thirdly,Affedtìons are theroot offpiritual Worfhip in us,andofourCommuni- on with God therein : they makeOrdinances profitable and comfortable to us, Luke 8. 1 S. (»feil. 2.2. Dent. 6.6. Aît. 2..41. Ifa.66. 2. jam. ç.16. Spb. 5t Mal. 1v . 4th1y, Affetiins make the life either comfortableor miferable. What comfort and