Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Qu CHAP. VII. 'lions, andCafes ofConfcience about Affiliions Queft. i .r. Ì lid. !A er firefed and ,.fflicred ? Anfw. He refpefis himfelf therein: For Firfi, God Baines glory many wayes by it ; As fiat his power isfeen in their difireffes, his love,goodneffe, truth, &c. Then the Saintscan fay with job, Mine eyes havefeen thee, Job .4a. 5. Secondly, not only prefent powerand mercy is then feen, but former: we fee what power was ufed in preventing mifery, what mercy in giving com- fort. Thirdly, Then God (hall have their cuflome and company. Children that care not for their Parents in profperity, will flit: to them in adveruty. He aimes at his peoples good therein : For t.Whileff they are Speaators, they lay about them in getting andexercifing of grace. Othersdeep forrowsmakeus fee how needful it is to get much faith, pa- tience, Scriptures, &c. in readineffe. a. Theyair up toprayers, mercies, &c. as when 'Peter was in prifon, they thought ithigh time to pray, Aits rz.5. 3. When themfelves be atHii ed, they help themfelves by the affligions of o- thers; Such fuffered this afii5tion, andGod loves them, whynot me alto ? Suchcried, andfped well,vvhy maynot I ? Pfal. 3z.5i6. Godaimes at theParties good in great diftrelfes : Hereby they are tried,hum- bled, have experience of their frailtiesandgraces. We knowlittle ofour felves till muchdiftreffed, neither what our weakneife, nor whatour ftrength in Chrifi is : Howpoorour felves, nor how great ourGod is. 2. Hereby they are brought to receive often fentence of mifery, Death, Dell in themfelves ; and its good to rafle thefe thingsbefore we feel any of them : It will empty aman ofhimfelf, and make himcuff in the livingGod. It willlearn him thofe three leffans of Chriaianity, mentionedby Pail, Phil. 3. 3. Hat is tff it ion ? Adfa,. Any trouble, grief, or evil wharfoever, that h.tppeneth either to foul or body, name, goods, or d(iate, for corte6tion offin, or for trial, as it doch to the godly or for puni(hment 'andvengeance, as it doth to thewicked, Rom.z.8: Queft. Why doth Godfrsffer his children lobe di- I. H.