'Chap.7 Q.ueffions, andCafes ofConfcienee about .dfitiions. Axfro. So was Davids; Pfal. 32.3. and lo6s : and yet beloved. 1 Ob. But lam difabled fromallfervice: 1 canneitherpray, nor read, nor heare, nor Iive,nor die. iAnfw. So the Saints,Pf. Ios. 3. &c. the Church in Ifay,andyetbeloved. Ob. Oh, but myfpirat is wounded. I amfcorched with hell -flames in my confci i ence. a I Anfw. So job, and David, and yet beloved. . Ob. Oh, but Iam torn in pieces with hellifh blafphemous tentations? Aafw. Ch tilt had fuch offered from Satan, and yet beloved. Ob. Oh, but Iam hauntedwith lulls: now impure lulls: then cevetout,revengful lufls,C c. Anfw. So was Paul Rom. 7. j4. &c. Gal: S. t 7. yet beloved. Refolve therefore that neither rhinos prefent,northings to come,ßoall beable tofeferateus from thelove of God, in Chreft.For noaffiitlionforfeitsour title. ob. Oh, but mine befins , pafons, tentations? A;,fw. Let them be what they will . If theybe aílliaions to us : If they tire, wound, and make us cry toGod,as jehofaphat did,when they purfue us,tftey weak. en not our title. Ob. Oh, but the (mart of them may caufe that without thehatred offin! they may make us weary becaufe painful not finfull! 'fw. T. They may : but thefe two are not well oppefed: painfulnefs comes af- ter from the finfulnefs: were they not fulfill you couldbrook them well enough , for their pleafure and profperity. Secondly , If oppofed ; know the pains in hippocrites only follows fincom- mitted, whereasthou arr diftreffedbefore hand , and art afraid to commit fin , and cryea as Paasl, Rom: 7: 2,4. Who(hall deliver mefrom this body of death. Thirdly , Only great fins are painefull, if nothingbut painbe heeded,whereas thou art ttcubled with the Firft motions ; with thewhole bodyoffin. Fourthly , Sin is only painful to the unfantified , whereas thouart as much troubled for want of faith , love,humility , thankfulnefs,as for the overflowing of fin. Fifthly, Painemakes an hyppocrite houle , but not toGod,at leaf+ in the Firfi place. But fill drives a David,Firf+ to God, then tomen : Itends in prayer , not in £: etting, difpaire &c. And is it thus with thee ? Either thou muff condemn David, or confefs that a manmay be croffèd inwife , childe, houle , goods, friends, I{infinen , all at once : Nay , hazarded in his life, tempted in his foul, troubled in his confcience , yea plunged into a Seaofmiferies,and yetbe dear to, and beloved of God. Dr. Harris. 1uefI. lik hatother reafons may be rendered why Gods Children are exercifed withgrievous croffes ? t nfw_Becaufe theyare fobefet with corruption,and therefore muff be purged. o Art, Gods children will foinetimes venture on noifom meats , and hurtful! ¡ L poifon;they will feed ongrofler fins ; they will drink in the puddleofiniquity,and f when the child bath fo done what fhould the father doe ? If David will lie , and commit adultery , and murther the innocent, what can God do lefs (Unlefs he would, have him fpoiled) then fcourge him throughly, when he will be walking fo near Hells-mouth , then take him by the- heels , and make him believe :that he will throw him in Its better hefhould lofe his fin then God his chilche, Secondly, If they fall not to deadlypoifon, yet will they furfet of lawful meats; and pleafurds unlawfully : So childifh we are that we cannot be turned lofe to i G delights 4 a I. If. III. IV V ïI.