Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Qeftions, andCafes of Confcience about Jffli5iions. Chap.y delights , . and keep ameane: we cannot have profperity but we abufe it, fwell, brag,tnuff,look overour brethren , andforget our {elves; It was fo with David, Pfa. 30.6. 7. Hez,ekiah,3fa .39.2. Thirdly , God hath but need to dyet thebeaof us fometimes, We are fo lazie when we are full , as men after a Feaf+ : we fallow our calling as -if we would drop a lleep:we performe exercifes ofjteligion aschildren fay their leflons, mind- ing every thing rather then that inhand: We come to Gods ordinances as fed wan- tons to a Feaft : nothingpleafeth unlefs it be fome cickfhaw, or new invention ,' though the work dish upon the Table ; So one trick of wit doth more affect+, then twenty gracious fentences. It faairds the Lord therefore upon if hewill provide for his har veil , and our good,to take fome pains withus, left he faile of his vinta-e whilellwe wantdreffing.,' Fourthly , Croffes had need to come , and to come thick , and to come in flren:,th to the ftrongeft ofus ,becaufe in the heft there be many , and thong corruptions . Oh the prrde,the pride , theunbelief , the ignorances , the felf- love that lodges in the pureft loul!So that the child would be fpilt, ifthe rod were fpared. Fifthly,as God lays many crones onus,fo we may thank our felves for many too, not only becaufewe deferve them,but in that we work them out of our own bow- els: For many we draw upon our felves by riot, idlenefs, rage &c. andothers, ihou,,,h heavy enough,we make moreheavy through our own folly, whiff+We rake into our wounds , looking nohigher : and what with unbeleife, and impatience, we double the crofs onour felves ; whenGod afflióks us in meafure , we make our crofles beyond meafure,becaufe we keep no meane in mourning ; yea we provoke our hitherto giveus themore for our mutteringand ftruglitìg. Dr. Har- ris. p. ero. Now that God hath his great day foraflli&ing his owne people appeares by there texts . ¶fa.42.24. ter. to. :5. and the reafonsare , Firfl,Becaufe there he doth more efpecially love,and therefore he will afl'ured- lyvifit as occafion is juf+ly offered for his fodoing. Arno: 3.2. you only have I known of all thefamilies ofthe earth: therefore Iwillpunifhyou, for allyour iniqui- ties. So ter. 25. 29.1 Pet : 4.17. Secondly, There God moreefpecially hates : As he loves their perfons , fo he hates their fins , yea byhow much the more he loves their perfons , by fomuch the more , we may in a qualified fence fay,that he hates their fins , as be- ing the only enemies ofthe eternal welfare oftheir foules, and therefore though he, corredts them in meafure , yet he will not fuffer them to goe altogether i npu- nifhed. [er.30.15. Thirdly , God is very tender , and jealousof his owne honour,it being tohim as theapple ofhis eye , the Eicher+ jewel+ inhis cabinet : But the tranfgreffions of his own people afperfehimwithdifhonour, Rom. 2.23. Through breaking the lam they difhonor God:yea their fins intome refpe&aregreater theft the fins of others, being committedagainfl greater lights fweeter motions of the Spirit,lowder As of confcience, richer means ofgrace,more frequentpurpofes,promifes,and vows ofbetterobedience:andGod hath faid that fuch as honour him he will honour,and fuch as defpifehim (hall be lightly efleemed,1Sam.2.3o. Fourthly , Godhath fillat hand awhole worldof executioners, even all Crea- tuneswho ire ready to run at his command, Pfa. 119. 91.and thereforewhen the day ofvifiting his people comes, he cannot want either accufers , or executi- oners . See Conants Parlament Sermon. Fifthly, There is fome thingof Adams filth even in the purefl, which muff be wafhedoutwith thefe waters of Marah. 3fa. 27. 9. and aflli&ions puts themupon judging themfelves;that they benot judged by God , ¡Cr.' 1.30.31.. Sixthly, Affi&ion is fometimes intended for the preventioof fin . Men re- Con