Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

tChap.7 Queffians, andCafes ofConfctenee aboút .d li5iions. ire apt to offend in profperiry, lob. I. 5. Pfa. 119. 67. 2. Cor 12. 7. Seventhly , Troubles drive men to God : as ficknefs , latnene. fs, blind- ncfs, &c. b::oubht many to Chriit who otherwife had never fought after hi .51. ly ,God : by there trieth the. f>i:its of men, as he led lfrael 40 years in the wilderneflc to prove them, Dew. 8. 2. So Rpm. 5. 3. 4. Prov. 1 Ninthly Graces are much exertiied by afi&iohs,Hence one faid, Qui nefcit ora-r- difcat nsvigarc:Hz tint knows not how to pray let hi ngo to Sea, and as arflié}i- ons abound, fo grace where it is Once wrought abounds: Tenthly, God intends towork glory tohimfelt: thereby 7 For Firft, He jutlities thepower Of his grace thereby againit the flandero us ac- editions of Satan , who accufes our iervice tobe mercena y , as he aid i >bs, :ob. I. 6. 8, 9,1o , ix, but hefound hint the fame upon the dunghill as wh.n he 'wag cloathed in fcarlet. Secondly, Saints are added to the Church daily , and fo great honor brought to Godby the examples of the parient futfcrin s of Gods people , tam. 5. Io. I Pt. 2. 2o. 2 I. \ hen the people faw the conaancy of 1 ipryán inhis Martyr dome,they cryedOut, Let us alfa withour holy paflar drr. 9leriamx> îmul cam fanc`to Epifcaeo.G 7 tfiin c)Wortyr tefiifiesofhimfelf: thathavin, been trayned up in the ìchool ofPleto,he was converted toChriltianity by teeing the patience of the Chtillians in theirMarryrdo:ne.SangusMartyrumfemen E'ccle/'aahe blood ofMar- tyrs is the feedofthe Church . Thirdly , God thews then the glory of his power in drawing them out when they are funke deep in farrow. He calls them into extremities, that he mi_hc fave them out offuch doubtful( dangers . As with the blind man 7ohn 9.V 3. and Laz,aruo whom he futfered to lit Four days dead lohn sr. 39. SoExod. 14 13 Godalto turneth the crofi'es of his people intoCrowns, and fo their afliielions make for their furtherglory . For Fiat , The readiefl way toheaven is byweeping Croîs. Ch rift who came from thencecould finde no.:other way thither anaineLuke,z4,26. So ,1cu 14.22. T1 6 12. 6.8. Luke 16. zz. His fatherlyCorrection keeps otfthe feverity of his judge- ments, fits thee for mercy, and fo for heaven too. t co,. 11- 32. Secc. dly , As theyare a way todory. , fo theywork a proportionable reward ofglory ; ro plus tormenti ranee plus eragleria, .2:Co-. 4. 57. 'A9:7, 8. 58. See Dr. Sn. rth. Parlament S,rmon. So then thou mayfi beafîùredifthou beef}a fon, thy heavenly father will corred thee yet for thy cornfo t remember that, First, He never doth it till there be need.t.`cr.16. Secondly, In wifdom Hcb. 12. 9.10. Thirdly , Inmeafure ?fa. 27. 8. ei' 28. 26. &c. Ter. 46. 28. i, (47% 10.13. Fourthly, In love and tendernefs, Prev. 3.1 z. 114.12.5. 6. 'lZv.3. 19, Ifa 63. 9.40. It. mfal. :Io3,1 3, 14. 1 of. 1 189. Fifthly, fora moment only Pfal. so. 5. & to3. 9. & 125 3./f4.: Io: 5 & 54.7.8. & 57. 16. Jer. so. 12. (...32;ch. 7. t8. Sixthly,To try theewhat drofs ofco ruption, and whatfound mettal is in thee Deut. 8. 2.Pfal:66, ió.- Prov. 17. 3. 3.. I Pet. 1.6.7. Tam. I. 2. U.'.Rti;2.10. Seaventhly,Topurl out fin . Vfe. 25. and27. 9. Prov. 20. 33, prat 119.62. Fighthly,To refine and make the virtues of Chrift moreflirting in theeDan. II. 3 5. and 12. IQ. Zach. 13. 9.1. Pet. 1.5.9. 43 VIII. IX. X. I, 1:r 2Crn.,4 2, G 2 To V VI. VII. VIII. *2.-°c,14 -Jti- 2 a y. w_2b4