Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

44- X. XIII. XIV. XV. I. II. Q¿tefiions, andCafes of Confcier,ce about 41i6ion;r: Chap.7i rq refne and make the vertues of Chriil mo.e thining in thee , Dan. it 55. and 12. ro. Zack. T 3. 9. i Pet.T.4,7. Ninthly, CO air up, quicken and encreafe all favinggraces in thy foul, Jo/w2 15. z. Rom. r. 3. 4, 5. ¡fa. 26.9. Jar,. 1.2,3. and anon ít all the red, faith al- wayesbecome moft famous byaft, &tons, Ten.hly, to make thee blefted;*Job 5. 17. Jam. 1. 12. and 5. u. Pfd. 9;. 12, Lleventhly, to fave thee, 1Ccr.11.32. 2 Cor.4.17. Twclfthly, hewill ever be with trouble, Ifa. 41.10,1 1. and 43.2. .1"fal.91, t 5. Thirteenrhly, he will deliver thee, Job 5. 13, 19. Pf1.34. t 7,18, 19. and so. 1 5. and 9T. 15 Fourteenmhly, nay, neverwas Goldsmith more curious to witch the very firft feafonwhen his ic,olc, was throul hly refined, and fitted for ufe, that he may rake it our of the Furnace : then our l;racious Godwatts with an holy lonins;, that he may have mercy upon the and deliver thee, 1 3. tee Ba.ltons 1'r:paratiun to death; P.3 t. Fifteenthly,by atli&ions ve arc made conformable toour Head Chiiil Sixteenthly, we cannot bear pro "parity. It is as ftrcn, waters to a weak (to- track. It makes usforget Cod, and the vanity of all earthly thin sand our felves, and our own mortality, and to for`;et others what reft e& is due to them. Hence David confeffeth, Pfd. 119. 75. I:r very fait, ful.;effe thou haft correi.. ed me. Quell. what deígne kath God in his childre ? /info. To teach them to knowhim and to tru(t in him, and to know them- felves : Its a true Payingof Lather, Schola crvcù eft Schott lacis, the Houfeof Corre&ion,is the School of InRruttion. 1-1441I «Td are MG9n"GT' His roc's when fan&ified are powerful Sermons to teach us. I. To know'God : and this is life eternal toknow him, 3-ohn 17.3. Its Paid of Manaffeh, a Chron. 33.13. 7 hen l e knew That the Lord was ÿ AfEi- &ion teacheth us not only toknowCod in his power, anger, hatred of Enna, but alto inhis goodnefs and mercy. For God doth fo fweeten the bitter Cup of aft':i&ion, that a child of Goddoth often taftemore ofGods love in one moneths affil&ton, then in many years of profperity, 2 Cor. 1. 4, 5. and 7. 4. AfNidti- on alfn teaches us to know God experimentally, and aff.61ionatively : fo ro knowhim, as to love and feare him, and to file to him as to our Rock and hi- ding place in the day of diftreflè, Cant. 3. 1,2,3,4. By night, i.e. in the time ofdivine defection :cc. 2. Not only to knowGod, but tomiff in him alfo, ZCar.T.9. 3. To know our felves alto : when the Prodigal was in adverf3ty he came to bioif li, Luke 1 5. 17. they teach us to know that we are but men, Pfal. 9. 20 yea, but frail men, Ezh, 21. 17. and that God can crufh us as ea(ily as we dó moths : which will makeus to Band in aweof God, and to Rudy to ferve and pleafe him. Secondly, Gods aim inafi&ion is tokeep us from fin. So z Car. 12. 7. or when we have finned, to bringus to repentance for it, and from it. For r. They open the eyes to fee fin, as Gen.42. 21.Oci los quo! culpa claudit, poe- na aperit. z. Theyopen the Bares to difciplìne, as Deut. 5.27. For Jes.a.24. 3. They open the mouth to confeflè fin judg. 1 0.I 5. 4. Theycommand us to depart from iniquity, lob 36. 8,9,10. They are GodsFurnac. purge out drofie : Gods Files to pare off our fpiritual raft : Gods Fauns to winnow out our chaffe, Dan, I I. z 5.. and 1a.10. Thirdly, Godsend isalto to make us holy and righteous, Ifa. z6. 9. Flebr. I . Fourthly, r_z1o ,k 1,..a ¡, xt:aw. 2. 4 3.