Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.7 Qste,ftions,tsnd Cafes ofConfcience about liEfions. .G:i2.b,, s Fourthly, tomake the world bitter to them, and Chrift fweet. For Prov. 10.4. Fifthly, to ptove their graces,Rv. 2. ro.Deur.8. z. i .The truth and fincerity ofthem. Hencehe loaded Job with afflictions : and the ftrength of our graces; for it requires a firong faith to endure great afflictions. 2. To emprove our graces : For as the Palme-tree, themore its preffed,the higher it grows, fo do the graces ofGods people. Sixthly, it is CO put anedge upon their prayers, and all their other holy fer- vices. I. Upon Prayer : what afervent prayer did Manaffes make when hewas in fetters in the dun eon, 2 Chron. 3 3.13, 18,19, When Saint Paul was tuck off his boric. anti r.nitcen with blindnetie, thenhe prayed CO the purpofe, e4Els 9. I.I. So lfa. 26. 16. 2. uponPreachin;. Profperity glutteth the fpiritual appetite, Adverfity whets it. Upon the Sacrament. How fweet is the S 'crament to a true aint, ofter a longand great lìcknefle. 4. It makes God andhi; Wordprecious. If God fet our corne-fi.eldson fire, as cifbfabm did l)<abs, then we come running to him : and how fweet is a Scripture-Promife to a childe of God in his diflreffe, Hof. ç. ulr. Quell. ',that confiaerations may char up our hearts in the time of af fii- Elion ? rinjw. Firh ;tl1it God never aftli is his people, hut out of pure neceility, i Pet. 1. 6. as a tender father never comets his children, but when he is forced to ir, Lam. 3.33 Ifa. 27.9. Its fin that puts thunderbolts into Gods hand. God never fcourgethus, but it is with a whip made of ourown finnes, Prov. ç. zz. Rom. 2. g. Hence Ira. z s.zI. Its hisorangeworl¿, Secondly, hek4h it out of his true and real love, Heb, i a.6,7,ß. Obi. Donot dibiheafffifiionsproceed from anger? was nor Godangry with Mo- fes for fpealBing unadvi dly, Pfal. io6. 33. and with David for A- dultery ? efinfw. This anger was a fatherly anger rooted in love. It was not Ira qua reprcbat, but Iraqua purgar : It was not Irahoflilis, & exterminativa, but Ira paterna, & medicinalis. As its fometirnesa great punilhment fo: Godnot to punifh, Ifa. s. ç. Hofea 4. 14. So itsa great mercy fo:netimes for God towith- draw his mercy. Thirdly, afflictions are a part ofdivinePredeltination : that God that bathe- leáìed us to falvation, huh alfoeleled us to afflilions, 1 Thef. i.3,4,6.Rom. S. 29. Fourthly, they are part of that graciousCovenant which Godbath made with his people, Pfa1.89.3I. &c. Inwhich Text thre_ things are observable. s. A fuppofitionof fin ? If his childrenforfake my Law, &c. For it is al- wayes the caufefne quanon, thecaufe without which God wouldnever chaftife us, and moftlie its the caufe for which he chaflifth. 2. A graciousPromife, Thenwilt Ivifit their tranfgreJons with the I(od,and their iniquitywith(tripes. 3. Amerciful qualification, Neverthelef , my lovingRindneffe will I not take from him, norfuffer myfaithfulneffe tofaile, &c. So Pfal. 119. 7ç Fifthly, Confider that affétions are partofthe Saints bletiedneffe,t/ob 5.t7. Behold, happy is the manwhom Çod corretleth, f7c. Afiétionswhen fanlified are inftruétions, and fo are evidences that we are in a ble{led condition, `Pfal. 94. I z. Job, when upon the dunghil, wonders whyGod fhould fo fee his heart upon him, 45 to vifit himevery morning, and try him every moment, Job 7.17, IS. Lazarus full offores, and inhis rags, was happier thenDives in * ?..c;i4 x.:.... Coì. _'.., 239. f"6'..7,-.1.44,