Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 7 Queftions,and Cafes ofConfcience about 4 f it1ions. Alpo. Gods Rod ordinarily fpeaks three Languages. s. It correas for fin. 2. It tries and exercifes grace .t 3. It inflruas in holinefic4fometime its for the two latter, and not for the former : as in Jobs, and the blinde mans cafe. But ufually its for all three, Lam. 3.39. IJ1,42.z4. Luke: 1. zo. t Corr t. 3o. Qeff. How (ball we know whether our of ittions are onlyfor trialand inflruEîi- on, and not forfin ? Anfw. Ìts fafeft to believe that they are for fin alto, when upon our felves, though out of charitywe judge them not fo to others, hem. 5.1z. For though all atHi &ions are not fent dire&ly and fpecially for fin, yet fin is the original of all affli&ions. ()Licit. what courfe muff we take.tofinde out that particularfafor which God cornG. nd ? eAo)Jv. Fir(l,Somtimes we may reade our fin in our punifhment. As in A- I donibez,fk,Judg. r. 7. Secondly, confider, what that fin is, for which thy confcience mot+ accu- feth thee. Thirdly, what is the fin of thy conRitution : what is thy diletfum delitfum, thy peccatum indelitiis, thy beloved and bofome-fin, of which David fpeaks, Pfal.18.2,. Ihave kept myfeiffrom mine iniquity. Fourthly, when fick and neat death, confider what fin doth moft trouble and perplex the confcience. Fifthly , What thofe fins are,for which thy godly Minifier, under whofe charge thou liveft, loth reprove thee, and of which thy true and real friend loth accufe thee. But if thoucan't not hereby finde out the particular fin, labourto repent of all, and then we (hall befur_ todeftroy that fin for whichGod afflias us. See Mr. CClamie'ss Godly mans Ark. Quell. whatmeans may we ufe toquiet our hearts in offlittions ? infw.Firfl,Remember that they are inElided by the Decree of Heaven, and that God is the Author of all our affli&ions implied, Job 5.6. Sò Jer.5I.53, 55. Pfal. 39.9.&c. Secondly, that they are fent to try thy patience : to (hew how well thou canft fuffe r. Thirdly, its the common 'late of all mankind : we are all borne to forrow, Job 5.7. As a manwe mufl beare what is common to man, and asa finful man we bring troubles on our felves, and therefore fhould fay with the Chu .ch, Mich. 7.9. I will beare the indignationof the Lord, bccaufe I havefinned a- gain/l him. Fourthly, that God takes care for his children, and thenefpecially when they are in affli&ion, `Pfal.4o.i I. Iam poor and medie, yet the Lord think_eth ofme. So Jer. 29.11. Ifa.49.13=14,15. Fifthly, thatGod intends us no evil but goodthereby, Jer. 24. 5. For Rom. 8.28. Sixthly, when in affli&ion,be alluredthat it (hall bebetter with thee then now, and fo let thy future hopes work thy heart to patience, James 5. 6. the darkefl night (hall have afaire morning ; The Rod of the wicked (hall not alwayes refl, rye. So Ifa. 5q.r t. and 62.3. Seventhly, what we lofeby affli &ions are fuch things asmay be fpared, and which God will make up in as good or better, God, and Chrifi, and Grace, and Heaven cannot be loft. Zach. to.8. a Cor. 4.8,9, Zeph.3.r 9. Eighthly, no affli&ion (hall be too much, or too long, for that only is too much, s. That exceeds our defert. Whereas Ezra 9.13. Thou haft punifhed io leffe then our iniquities deferve. 2. Nor toomuch inregard of our firength, for God proportions his but. dens 47 I. II. III. IV. V. I. 4E zó«Ca 23S Y^.-241