Clayton - CT3207 .C42 1860

ELIZABETH FRY, each other; but her heart was sorely dissatisfied. She went to Drury Lane, where she saw Banister, Mrs. Jordan, Miss Dechamp, and several leading performers, and was greatly disappointed; although the "house was grand and dazzling." She went to see Hamlet and Blue-beard, when she was elegantly arrayed, and had her hair dressed, which made her "feel like a monkey," though she was perfectly aware that she looked very charming; but still she does "not like plays." She became acquainted with many interesting celebrities : -Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Opie, Peter Pindar, and others. "March 26, 1798. This morning I went to Amelia Opie's (she writes), and had a pleasant time. I called on Mrs. Siddons, who was not at home; then on Dr. Batty; then on Mrs. Twiss, who gave me some paint for the evening. I was painted a little. I had my hair dressed, and did look pretty for me. Mr. Opie, Amelia, and I, went to the concert. I own, I do love grand company. The Prince of Wales was there; and I must say I felt more pleasure in looking at him than in seeing the rest of the company, or hearing the music. I did nothing but admire his Royal Highness; but I had a very happy evening indeed." "April 12. My uncle Barclay, with great begging, took us to the Opera. The house is dazzling, the company animating, the music hardly at all so, the dancing delightful. I was very merry. I just was the Prince of Wales." 16