THE SERVANT OF GOD. him, and established herself at Ashby, with her other children, and the Ladies Anne and Frances. Lady Margaret, through whom she had first been led to a true knowledge of the Spirit of Christ, was then the happy wife of a minister of God-Dr. Benjamin Ingham. Francis, the young Earl, unhappily did not share in his mother's implicit belief ; he was, like too many of the young men of that philosophic, reasoning time, a confirmed infidel, but he had great respect for her opinions. " I wish," said a peer to him, " you would speak to Lady Huntingdon ; she has just erected a preaching-place close to my residence." " Gladly, my lord," replied her son, " but you will do me the favour to inform me what plea to urge, for my mother really believes the Bible." Lady Huntingdon had to deplore, in 1751, the deaths of Lady Frances, and of her esteemed friend Dr. Docldridge. The death of Lady Frances did not affect her " so as to hurt her," for she rejoiced at the thought of her sister's " being so quickly translated out of this house of bondage into the glorious liberty of the children of God." This time was one of anxiety to her, however, for almost all in the family were ill ; her daughter Selina had a fever, from which she happily recovered. Soon afterwards, Lord Bolingbroke expired, dying, as he had lived, a determined unbeliever. Lady Hun- tingdon endeavoured, but in vain, to prevent the publication of his posthumous works. 23