Clayton - CT3207 .C42 1860

BOOKS FOR SUNDAY READING. 1. Happy Sundays, for the Young and Good. In Two Series, of 26 Sundays each ; each Series, 3s. Forming a Companion to " Line Upon Line," " Pleasant Sundays." After observing that the Rev. ROBERT BICKERSTETH, Bishop of Ripon, has connected his name with the publication, the Publishers need scarcely add their own terms of estimation ; but they cannot help advancing the opinion, that HAPPY SUNDAYS is a book calcu- lated to promote happiness amongst youthful readers, by affording them Sunday reading of a character both instructive in its matter and amusing in its style. 2. Pleasant Sundays, for the Young and Good. In Two Series of 26 Sundays each; each Series, 3s. Dedicated, by permission, to the Rev. CANON DALE, and Illustrated by Gilbert, Kearny, Leighton, &c. TheTYPE is large and clear. SIZE, 18mo. Demy, as Happy Sundays. BINDING, strong and tasteful. Frontispiece and Title in Colours. This little work is especially adapted to the comprehension of the Young, and is exceedingly instructive, while the moral character is of apurely evangelical nature ; it consists of a Series of Chapters or Tales (52 in number,) one for each Sunday, with an appropriate Hymn. 3. Sundays with Mamma ; or, THE COMMANDMENTS EXPLAINED: with Short Histories from the Bible. By FRANCIS UPCHER ConsENS, Authoress of "Pleasant Sundays." Price 3s. ; or 35. 6d. Gilt Edges, Hand- somely Bound, Red and Blue Cloth, Illustrated with Six Plates, andTitle and Frontispiece in Colours, by Leighton. "This little work, breathing the purest spirit of piety, is just such a book as should be put into the hands of children of all ages, toadvance their knowledge of the Scriptures, and teach them to have a correct appreciation of our Holy Decalogue. " - Churchman's Review. 4. Sunday Employment, Sunday Enjoy- MENT. For the Young and Good. By MRS. UPCHER COUSENS, Authoress of " Pleasant Sundays," with Frontispiece and Title in Colours, by Richard Doyle, and four other Illustrations. Printed in a bold clear type, price 3s. "This book will lighten the task of Parent and Teacher in simpli- fying and applying the sacred doctrines of Divine Truth, and also to render the ways of wisdom ways of pleasantness and peace during the long unoccupied hours of the Lord's-day." 5. Illustrated Scripture Natural History, with above 50 beautiful Illustrations, and with pleasantly told de- scriptive Text in Prose and Verse, of the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdom, mentioned in Scripture. By theRev. J. YouNG, and Miss ANNA MARTA SARGEANT. 18m0, demy, 2s. 6d. or gilt edges, 3s. bound in cloth, lettered sides and back. This book is intended, by bringing the youthful mind at an esrly period to some knowledge of the Wondersof Nature, and, at the same time, connecting that knowledge with the Bihle, to associate pious thoughts and feelings with the works of God; and imperceptibly create an interest in that Book which is able to make wise unto Salvation.