Clayton - CT3207 .C42 1860

THE WORKER IN CHRIST'S VINEYARD. " when our visit ended," says one of her sisters, " he called for his hat, as it rained, to attend us down a very long entry to our coach, and not Rasselas could have acquitted himself more en cavalier." After a visit of six weeks Hannah returned home ; but in the February of 1775 she again came to London for another six weeks sojourn. She was now warmly received in the most exclusive circles, she went to parties, operas, concerts, routs, and dinners, to Ranelagh, and to fashionable oratorios; though she viewed with much disapprobation the manners and conduct of many of the distinguished persons with whom she came closely in contact. Sunday visiting she especially disliked, although it was practised by the serious-minded ladies of Mrs. Montagu's " bas-bleu club." The fantastic, extra- vagant style of dress, too, rather disconcerted her ; when attired for a gay meeting, " I would blush at myself," she says, " and turn to the glass with as much caution as a vain beauty just risen from the small-pox, which cannot be a more disfiguring disease than the present mode of dressing." With Dr. Johnson, " Hannah is certainly a great favourite ; " he displays toward her the most flat- tering attention, calling her child, little fool, love, dearest, and other endearing epithets. At Miss Reynolds' delightful tea-parties, she is generally " placed next him," and they have " the entire con- versation to themselves." On one of his visits to 20