Clayton - CT3207 .C42 1860

THE WORKER IN CHRIST'S VINEYARD. and opportunity for meditation which had for years been her dream of content. But the world again broke in on her, anxious for the literary and spiritual advantages derivable from her conversation ; and she was overwhelmed by visits from persons of rank and celebrity. The educationof the Princess Charlottebecoming, in 1805, a subject of serious consideration, the Queen desired the advice and assistance of the celebrated moralist. Bishop Porteus strongly re- commended that the care of the Princess should be entrusted to her, but, from a variety of causes, the proposition was negatived after much debate. At the earnest request of a dignitary of the church, however, she composed her " Hints towards forming the character of a Young Princess," which led to her becoming a greater favourite than ever with royalty, which was testified in various ways. The younger branches frequently visited her, and on a new coach-road being planned, at the wish of the King, through the West of England, his Majesty graciously enquired " Whether it would be of any inconvenience to Mrs. Hannah More." Her health grew more and more enfeebled ; and, in 1806, she was attacked by a dangerous and tedious illness, which lasted for a year. " The great, and even the gay, joined with the humble and virtuous in a common partnership of sorrow," on learning her state. It was nearly two years before she was sufficiently recovered to turn her thoughts 40