ummaryo t e apters, V E R S. S. Data. THe morefound grace andknowledge anyman bath, the more he willget. Do&z. Whofoeuer will thriue in knowledge, muf be diligent in bearing. VERS. 7.. THen a man is wre indeed, when bee is truly religi- on'. Do61.z. Allfinfullperfonsarefooles. Doc`t.3. Wickedmen take it agreat indignitie to be taught their duetie. VERS. 8. poet'. THefameofeEiion ought to be between teachers and theirPeaple,as is between Parents andtheir Children 13661..z. Thefeare ofGod is to be learnedin childhoodunder the gouernmento fparents. Doet3 . Itbelongeth toboth theparents to informe their children ingodlinefeandreligion. VERS. 9. NO,ornament canfomuchadorneone as Gracewill. VERS. IO. Dolt. z. WHen anyman beginneth to to zegood n'aies, he is like t P to be refilledby euill counfels. Do&2 - They that benought themfelues, are alfo readie toper- uert others. Doct.3 . It isgoodbefore temptations,to refolue,not toyeeld vnto them. V E R S. II. Doct.I. TFIe Lord iudgeth of wicked mens waies according as they be, andnotafter the pretences that aremade of them. Do.z, when cruellmen intendmoll mfchicfe, they commonly make leafl _thew thereof. Doet.3. None arefomuchfubiú7 to wrongs, and injuries, as they that leafsdeferue them. Doe. A